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Inaugural lectures of new professors at the Information Technology and Communication Sciences

Tampere University
LocationKalevantie 4, 33100 Tampere
Date25.11.2022 11.00–15.00
Registration deadline: 18.11.2022,10.00
LanguageEnglish, Finnish
Entrance feeFree of charge
You are warmly welcome to hear the inaugural lectures of our new professors at 13.00 o’clock on Friday 25 November 2022. The lectures are given in City centre campus, Main building, Main auditorium (Kalevantie4)


13.00 University’s greetings, Dean Jyrki Vuorinen 
13.10 Presentation of the professor, Head of Computing Sciences Unit Timo Hämäläinen 
13.15 Professor Frank Emmert-Streib Science of Data
13.40 Presentation of the professor J. Tuomas Harviainen, Head of Communication Sciences Unit Iiris Ruoho
13.45 Professor J. Tuomas Harviainen Information Practices in Practice
14.10 Presentation of the professor Asko Lehmuskallio, Head of Communication Sciences Unit Iiris Ruoho
14.15 Professor Asko Lehmuskallio Cameras, environments and good images. A trajectory for visual studies

break 14.40-14.50

14.50 Presentation of the professor, Head on Languages Unit Kaisa Koskinen 
14.55 Professor Niina Lilja Asiantuntijuus vuorovaikutuksellisena ilmiönä 
15.20 Presentation of the professor, Head of Computing Sciences Unit Timo Hämäläinen 
15.25 Professor Thomas Olsson From User-Centric to Communal Requirements in IT Design
15.50 Presentation of the professor, Head of Communication Sciences Unit Iiris Ruoho
15.55 Professor Olli Sotamaa Creative Labour in Data-Driven Society
16.20 Closing of the event, Dean Jyrki Vuorinen

(The titles of the lectures will be updated later.)

After the event, coffee & cake and sparkling wine are served at the Main auditorium hall. Simultaneous interpretation via headphones is available for 20 persons (first comes first basis).

Please register via the link by 18 November 2022.




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Further information

Riitta Yrjönen