A warm welcome to the inaugural lectures of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology on 9 January 2024 at 14. The lectures are held at Kauppi campus, in the Jarmo Visakorpi auditorium of the Arvo building. This year we have two professors giving their lectures.
14.15 University’s greetings, Vice President Jarmo Takala
Presentation of the professors, Dean Seppo Parkkila
14.30 Professor Vesa Hytönen (Cell and Molecular Biology): Mechanobiology
14.45 Professor Mark van Gils (Digital Healthcare): Decision making in healthcare - can technology help?
The lecture will be held in Finnish, but it can be listened to interpreted into English using the audio headphones in the auditorium. A limited number of headphones are available.
After the lectures, we offer coffee at the Jarmo Visakorpi auditorium’s lobby.
Register by 2 January 2024 at 12.00 at the latest.
For more information
Executive assistant Annika Vastamäki
annika.vastamaki [at] tuni.fi
Executive assistant Katriina Viljakka
katriina.viljakka [at] tuni.fi