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Inaugural lectures on 16 May 2024

Tampere University
Location Tampere
Cite centre campus/Main auditorium, Hervanta campus/Tietotalo TB104 auditorium, Kauppi campus/Arvo F115 auditorium
Date16.5.2024 7.00–11.30
Registration deadline: 7.5.2024,20.00
Inaugural lectures date and time
Inaugural lectures by new professors in Tampere University on 16 May 2024

Inaugural lectures provide newly appointed professors with the opportunity to introduce themselves to the university community and the wider public and to present an overview of their research. Inaugural lectures last 12-15 minutes. The lectures discuss the latest achievements, key questions and directions for future research in the professors’ field.   

Tampere University will host a series of inaugural lectures on 16 May 2024. The lectures will be given by newly appointed professors across the University. The lectures are a public event and take place on the campuses  

New professors will give their inaugural lectures on their home campus (City centre campus, Hervanta campus or Kauppi campus) in the morning at 10:00-12:00. After the lectures, the attendees will gather in the Main Auditorium on the City centre campus at 13.30-14.30. Coffee will be served in the lobby afterwards.   

The separate events will also be streamed online. Participation link will be added here later. 

The lectures are divided as following:  

At 10-12, City centre campus/Main Auditorium: 

  • Jenni Kulmala, Faculty of Social Sciences, health sciences and gerontology : Avaimia toimintakykyiseen ja inhimilliseen vanhuuteen  
  • Katja Kuusisto, Faculty of Social Sciences, welfare sciences and social work : Effectiveness in Substance Abuse Treatment: Developing Evidence-Based Practices in Social Work  
  • Päivi Kymäläinen, Faculty of Social Sciences, social policy: Sosiaalinen tila ja oikeudenmukaisuus kestävässä kaupungissa  
  • Mervi Kaukko, Faculty of Education and Culture, education and multicultural education: Kolme tapaa nähdä pakolaislapsi väärin  
  • Nelli Piattoeva, Faculty of Education and Culture, sociology of education: We have never been global: Asserting a sociology of education of the national  

At 10-12, Hervanta campus/Tietotalo TB104 Auditorium 

  • Henri Pirkkalainen, Faculty of Management and Business, information and knowledge management and business information systems: Tietojärjestelmien hyödyntämisen arvo ja arvaamattomuus  

At 10-12, Kauppi campus/Arvo F115 Auditorium 

  • Jussi Hernesniemi, Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology, cardiology : Sydänperäinen äkkikuolema  
  • Katri Lindfors, Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology, molecular biology: Yksi sairaus, monet kasvot – miksi kaikki keliaakikot eivät ole samanlaisia?  
  • Olli Lohi, Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology, paediatric haematology and oncology : Lasten leukemian hoidon uusi aikakausi  
  • Samuli Saarni, Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology, psychiatry: Voiko mielenterveyspalvelut uudistaa palvelutarvetta vastaaviksi?  

At 13.30-14.30, City centre campus/Main Auditorium 

  • Elina Kestilä-Kekkonen, Faculty of Management and Business, political science: Suomalaisen demokratian kuilut  
  • Esa Kirkkopelto, Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences, artistic research: Taiteellinen tutkimus esiintyvissä taiteissa ja Tampereen yliopistossa   

Program of the afternoon event: The event will begin with the procession entering the Main Auditorium accompanied by music, after which the President will deliver the opening words. After the inaugural lectures of two professors, all the new professors will be invited to the stage to be presented with flowers. Coffee and refreshments will be served in the lobby of the Main Auditorium after the event.

Dress code: The dress code for the audience is casual wear.   

Registration for the inaugural lectures through this link by May 7, 2024 .


Tampere University

Further information