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Farewell lecture at the Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences: Donald Lupo

Published on 27.11.2023
Tampere University
Professor Donald Lupo and text Welcome to Donald Lupo´s Farewell lecture
Welcome to Professor of electrical engineering Donald Lupo’s farewell lecture on Tuesday 19th December 2023 at 2 pm.

 The lecture will take place in Festia FA133 (Pieni sali 2) at the Hervanta campus of Tampere University (address: Korkeakoulunkatu 8, 33720 Tampere).





14.00 - 14.05 Tampere University’s greeting, Dean Pekka Verho

14.05 - 14.10 Introduction of Professor Donald Lupo by Professor Mikko Valkama

14.10 - 15.00 “From South to North, from Chemistry to Electronics: A Geographical and Scientific Journey”, Professor Donald Lupo

15.00 Greetings and coffee


Registration takes place only via this registration form no later than Tuesday 12th December 2023.
Registration form: 

Attendance in person is preferred, but the lecture is streamed via Zoom: