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Bruno Di Buò: Applicability of piezocone testing in Finnish soft sensitive clays

Tampere University
LocationKorkeakoulunkatu 5, Tampere
Hervanta campus, Rakennustalo, auditorioum RG202 and remote connection
Date27.11.2020 12.00–16.00 (UTC+2)
Entrance feeFree of charge
Bruno Di Buò
The evaluation of geotechnical parameters plays a crucial role in the design of structures and infrastructures in order to guarantee safety and long-term functionality. The introduction of piezocone testing (CPTu) in the field investigation has revealed great potential for soil profiling and strength and deformation properties determination. In his doctoral dissertation, M.Sc. Bruno Di Buò investigated the applicability of piezocone testing in deriving the preconsolidation stress and deformation characteristics of Finnish soft sensitive clays.

Over the past decades, the use of piezocone testing for field investigation has gained increasingly interest among geotechnical engineers. However, in Finland, its use is still at an early stage as different tools are commonly adopted for subsoil investigation.

This study aimed to collect data from different test sites located in Finland to assess the performance of piezocone data in determine the soil geotechnical parameters used in the design. Therefore, an extensive experimental program comprising laboratory and field test has been conducted to build a high-quality dataset.   

Results showed that the piezocone testing is an effective and accurate tool to derive the preconsolidation stress of Finnish soft sensitive clays while the evaluation of the deformation characteristics is characterized by uncertainties. Several correlations are proposed for determining such parameters, thus providing a reliable methodology for practitioners and geotechnical engineers to assess the soil properties used in the design. 

The doctoral dissertation of M.Sc. Bruno Di Buò in the field of geotechnical engineering titled Evaluation of the Preconsolidation Stress and Deformation Characteristics of Finnish Clays based on Piezocone Testing will be publicly examined in the Faculty of Built Environment at Tampere University at  12:00 on Friday 27 November 2020 in Rakennustalo Building auditorium RG202.  The Opponent will be Prof. Laura Tonni from Università di Bologna and Prof. Michael Long from University College Dublin. The Custos will be Prof. Tim Länsivaara from the Faculty of Built Environment.

The event can be followed via remote connection.

The dissertation is available online at the