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About me

Her main research interests include the reconciliation of work and family, family policy, social services, cash-for-care schemes, early childhood education, intra-household finances, poverty and time-use of families. She is one of the editors of the following books: Cash-for-Childcare: The Consequences for Caring Mothers (Edward Elgar, 2010), Women, Men and Children in Families: Private Troubles and Public Issues (Tampere University Press, 2013), Media, Family Interaction and the Digitalization of Childhood (Edward Elgar, 2017) and Politics of Childcare and Early Childhood Education: Does Equal Access Matter? (Edward Elgar, 2019).   


Director: Tampere Centre for Childhood, Youth and Family Research PERLA

University Lecturer (social policy): Tampere University and University Consortium of Pori

Main positions of trust

Key positions of trust:

Member of the Tampere Junior development project, The city of Tampere, 2020−2023
Member of the Finnish Society for Childhood Studies, 2018−
Member of the board of the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare (Tampere unit), 2013–
Member of the board of the Silta-Valmennus, 2014− 
Member of the childhood studies working group for the Ombudsman for Children in Finland, 2016–2019.
Chair of the steering group for the multicultural friend and family work project (Mannerheim League for Child Welfare, Tampere unit), 2017–
Vice member of The Council for Gender Equality (TANE) Subcommittee on Gender, Economy and Power, 2015–2019 and 2020−2023.
Member of the steering group for Toivosta turvaa (FinFami – Finnish Central Association of Families of People with mental illness), 2017–

Key experience of organising scientific meetings: 

Chair of Scientific Board, The IX Conference on Childhood Studies, 10–12 May 2021, Tampere University, Finland.
Member of Scientific Board, Nuorisotutkimuspäivät 2020 [Annual Conference of Youth Studies 2020], Tampere University, Finland.
Chair of Scientific Board, Perhetutkimuksen päivät 2018, [Family Research Conference], University of Tampere, Finland.
Member of Scientific Board, Nuorisotutkimuspäivät 2015 [Annual Conference of Youth Studies 2015], University of Tampere, Finland.
Chair of Scientific Board, Sosiaalipolitiikan päivät 2013 [Annual Social Policy Conference 2013. University of Tampere, Finland.
Member of Scientific Board, 4th International Conference Community, Work and Family: Actors, Structures and Theories 2011, University of Tampere, Finland. 

Selected publications

Edited books:

Repo, Katja; Alasuutari, Maarit; Karila, Kirsti & Lammi-Taskula, Johanna (eds). (2020) The policies of childcare and early childhood education: Does equal access matter?. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar.
Lahikainen, Anja Riitta; Mälkiä, Tiina & Repo, Katja (2017) (eds.) Media, family interaction and the digitalisation of childhood. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar.
Lahikainen, Anja Riitta; Mälkiä, Tiina & Repo, Katja (2015) (eds.) Media lapsiperheessä. [Media in Families with Children].Tampere: Vastapaino.
Oinonen, Eriikka & Repo, Katja (2013) (eds.) Women, Men and Children in Families: Private Troubles and Public Issues.Tampere: Tampere University Press.
Sipilä, Jorma; Rantalaiho, Minna; Repo, Katja & Rissanen, Tapio (2012) (eds.) Rakastettu ja vihattu lasten kotihoidon tuki [Loved and Hated Child Home Care Allowance]. Tampere: Vastapaino.
Sipilä, Jorma; Repo, Katja & Rissanen, Tapio (2010) (eds.) Cash- for- Childcare: The Consequences for Caring Mothers. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar.

Other recent publications: 

 Eerola, Petteri; Närvi, Johanna; Terävä, Johanna & Repo, Katja (accepted) Negotiating Parenting Practices: The Arguments and Justifications of Finnish Couples. Families, Relationships and Societies.
Enroos, Rosi; Siippainen, Anna & Repo, Katja (2020) Children’s Agency and Rights age 0-12 (Finland). Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. 
 Karila, Kirsti; Siippainen, Anna; Repo, Katja; Paananen, Maiju & Fjällström Salla (2020) Paikallisuus, vanhemmat ja varhaiskasvatusmahdollisuudet - Tarinoita kunnan ja pienten lasten vanhempien kohtaamisista. Focus Localis 1/2020. 
Repo, Katja; Kuukka, Anu & Eerola, Petteri (2019) Lasten kotihoito ja sen yhteiskunnallinen tukeminen: kunnallisten luottamushenkilöiden näkökulma. Janus 27(1) 55-71.
Paananen, Maiju; Repo, Katja; Eerola, Petteri & Alasuutari, Maarit (2018) Unravelling conceptualization of (in)equality in early childhood education and care system. Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy. 
 Hietamäki, Johanna; Repo, Katja & Lammi-Taskula, Johanna (2018) Työsuhteen omaavat äidit lasten kotihoidon tuella – kotihoidon perustelut. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 4/2018, 412–421.
Närvi, Johanna; Lammi-Taskula, Johanna; Hietamäki, Johanna; Malander, Johanna & Repo, Katja (2018)Nelivuotiaiden lasten hyvinvointi ja palvelut: CHILDCARE-hankkeen NEVAkyselytutkimuksen tuloksia viidestä kunnasta. THL: Työpapereita 24/2018.
Repo, Katja & Valkonen, Satu (2017) Children’s media use: the perspective of time use. In Anja Riita Lahikainen, Tiina Mälkiä & Katja Repo (eds.) Media, family interaction and the digitalisation of childhood. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, 65–78.
Hietamäki, Johanna; Kuusiholma, Julia; Räikkönen, Eija; Alasuutari, Maarit; Lammi-Taskula, Johanna; Repo, Katja; Karila, Kirsti; Hautala, Paula; Kuukka, Anu; Paananen, Maiju; Ruutiainen, Ville & Eerola, Petteri (2017) Varhaiskasvatus- ja lastenhoitoratkaisut yksivuotiaiden lasten perheissä: CHILDCARE-kyselytutkimuksen 2016 perustulokset. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos (THL). Työpaperi 24/2017. Helsinki
Repo, Katja (2016) Lastenhoito, investoitu lapsi ja lapsen ääni [Childcare, Invested Child and the Voice of the Child]. In Antti Halmetoja, Pertti Koistinen & Satu Ojala (eds.) Sosiaalipolitiikan lumo. Tampere: Tampere University Press, 67–73.
Repo, Katja & Nätti, Jouko (2015) Lasten ja nuorten median käytön aikarytmit [The Rhythms of Children’s and Young People’s Media Use]. In Anu-Hanna Anttila & Timo Anttila (eds.) Yhteisöjen rytmit ja oma aika. [The Rhythms of Communities and Own Time]. Tilastokeskuksen tutkimuksia, Helsinki: Tilastokeskus. 135–152.
Repo, Katja & Nätti, Jouko (2015) Lasten ja nuorten median käytön aikatrendit [The Time Trends of Children’s and Young People’s Media Use]. In Anja Riitta Lahikainen, Tiina Mälkiä & Katja Repo (eds.) Media lapsiperheessä [Media in Families with Children].Tampere: Vastapaino, 80–107.
Repo, Katja & Nätti, Jouko (2015) Lapset ja nuoret yksin ja yhdessä median parissa [Children and Young People Alone and Together with Media]. In Anja Riitta Lahikainen, Tiina Mälkiä & Katja Repo (eds.) Media lapsiperheessä [Media in Families with Children]. Tampere: Vastapaino.108–131.
Repo, Katja (2013) The Child in the Context of Home Care – Finnish Mothers’ Perceptions. In Eriikka Oinonen & Katja Repo (eds.) Women, Men and Children in Families: Private Troubles and Public Issues.Tampere: Tampere University Press, 195−212.
Repo, Katja (2012) Lasten kotihoidon tuen merkitykset perheiden arjessa [The Daily Life Meanings of Child Home Care Allowance]. In Jorma Sipilä, Minna Rantalaiho, Katja Repo & Tapio Rissanen (eds.) Rakastettu ja vihattu lasten kotihoidon tuki [Loved and Hated Child Home Care Allowance]. Tampere: Vastapaino, 111−150.
Sipilä, Jorma; Rantalaiho, Minna; Repo, Katja & Rissanen, Tapio (2012) Kotihoidon tuen merkitys ja tulevaisuus [The Future of Child Home Care Allowance]. In Jorma Sipilä, Minna Rantalaiho, Katja Repo & Tapio Rissanen (eds.)Rakastettu ja vihattu lasten kotihoidon tuki [Loved and Hated Child Home Care Allowance]. Tampere: Vastapaino, 183−215.
Repo, Katja (2010) Finnish Child Home Care Allowance – User’s Perspective and Perceptions. In Jorma Sipilä, Katja Repo & Tapio Rissanen (eds.) Cash- for-Childcare: The Consequences for Caring Mothers. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, 46−64.
Repo, Katja; Sipilä, Jorma; Rissanen, Tapio & Viitasalo, Niina (2010) The Paradox of Cash-forChildcare: Are there Ways to Solve the Dilemma?.In Jorma Sipilä, Katja Repo & Tapio Rissanen (eds.) Cash- for- Childcare: The Consequences for Caring Mothers. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, 143−159.
Repo, Katja (2010) Families, Work and Home Care. Assessing Finnish Child Home Care Allowance. Barn,42−61.
Sipilä, Jorma; Repo, Katja; Rissanen, Tapio & Viitasalo, Niina (2010) Cash-for-Childcare: Unnecessary Traditionalism or a Contemporary Necessity?. In Jorma Sipilä, Katja Repo & Tapio Rissanen (eds.) Cash- for- Childcare: The Consequences for Caring Mothers. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, 21−45.
Repo, Katja (2009) Pienten lasten kotihoito − puolesta ja vastaan [Children’s Home Care – for and against]. In Anneli Anttonen, Heli Valokivi & Minna Zechner (eds.)Hoiva − tutkimus, politiikka ja arki [Care – Research, Politics and Daily Life]. Tampere: Vastapaino, 219−237.
Repo, Katja & Kröger, Teppo (2009) Lasten päivähoito − oikeus hoivaan ja varhaiskasvatukseen [Municipal Daycare – Right to Care and Early Childhood Education]. In Anneli Anttonen, Heli Valokivi & Minna Zechner (eds.) Hoiva − tutkimus, politiikka ja arki [Care – Research, Politics and Daily Life]. Tampere: Vastapaino, 200−218.