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About me

Currently I work as a researcher in the Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence in the History of Experiences (HEX). My Academy Research Fellow project (2021–2026) is titled "Lived, Layered, Locked Up: Rethinking Women’s Prisons in Finland in the Long Nineteenth Century".

I am an Adjunct Professor (Reader / Title of Docent) in Social History at Tampere University. Previously, I have been working on poor relief, workhouses, Magdalene asylums, and social mobility. In 2019–2020 I was the leader of the Nordic NOS-HS Workshops project named Cleaning up the North: Cleanliness, Work and Gender in the Nordic Countries , 1850–1940 . I am also involved in COST Action Who Cares in Europe? 

Research topics

Finland and Northern Europe in the "long nineteenth century".

Institutions: spinhouses, women's prisons, workhouses/poorhouses, Magdalene asylums.

Experiences of dirt, cleanliness, religion, discipline and order.

Biographical approach to social mobility.

Early social care professions.

Free Mission in Finland, 1870–1920.

Research unit

Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence in the History of Experiences (HEX)


Academy of Finland

Selected publications

Annola, Johanna (forthcoming 2023) The Experience of Prison in Finnish Female Inmates’ Letters from the 1880s to the 1900s. In Johanna Annola, Hanna Lindberg & Pirjo Markkola (eds.) Lived Institutions as History of Experience. Palgrave Macmillan. 

Annola, Johanna (forthcoming 2023) Experience, Institutions, and the Lived Welfare State. In Johanna Annola, Hanna Lindberg & Pirjo Markkola (eds.) Lived Institutions as History of Experience. Palgrave Macmillan. With Hanna Lindberg and Pirjo Markkola.

Annola, Johanna (2023) Vankeusmaantieteellinen näkökulma Turun kehruuhuoneeseen, 1820–1825 . Kriminologia, 3(1), 60–72. 

Annola, Johanna (2023) Baroness Alexandra Gripenberg and the International Council of Women: the Finnish feminist's international success and national adversity, 1888–1911 , Women's History Review, 32:2, 190–208. With Pirjo Markkola. 

Annola, Johanna (2022) Säädyttömät: Perheet ja murros pitkällä 1800-luvulla. Vastapaino.

Annola, Johanna (2022) To the Undiscovered Country: Facing Death in Early Twentieth-Century Finnish Poorhouses. In Sari Katajala-Peltomaa & Raisa Maria Toivo (eds.) Histories of Experience in the World of Lived Religion . Palgrave Macmillan.

Annola, Johanna (2022) Piety and Prayers: Religion in the Lives of the Indoor Poor in Finland, 1600s–1960s. In Andrew Newby & Nina Javette Koefoed (eds.) Religion and Social Welfare in the Lutheran Nordic Countries, ca. 1500–2000. Refo500, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. With Riikka Miettinen.

Annola, Johanna (2021) Etniset ja sosiaaliset vähemmistöt Suomessa. In Pirjo Markkola & Marjaana Niemi (eds.) Suomalaisen yhteiskunnan historia II. Vastapaino. With Minna Harjula and Laura Ekholm.

Annola, Johanna (2021) Professionaaliset identiteetit yhteisöllisyytenä ja erontekoina. In Pirjo Markkola & Marjaana Niemi (eds.) Suomalaisen yhteiskunnan historia II. Vastapaino. With Heli Valtonen, Timo Vilén and Henry Nygård. 

Annola, Johanna (2021) Kackerlackor i såsen? Smuts och renlighet på en finsk fattiggård i början av 1900-talet. In Johanna Annola, Annelie Drakman & Marie Ulväng (eds.) Med tvål, vatten och flit: Hälsofrämjande renlighet som ideal och praktik ca 1870–1930. Nordic Academic Press.

Annola, Johanna (2021) Naisvankien kirjeet 1800- ja 1900-lukujen vaihteen Suomessa. In Matias Kaihovirta & Tiina Lintunen (eds.) Työväki ja seksi. Väki Voimakas 2021. 

Annola, Johanna (2020) Eletty laitoshoito: köyhäintalojen ja kunnalliskotien johtajien kokemukset työstään 1890–1960. In Johanna Annola, Johanna Moilanen & Mirja Satka (eds.) Sosiaalityön käänteet . SoPhi. 

Annola, Johanna (2020) Bad Nursing? Workhouse Nurses in England and Finland, 1855–1914. European Journal for Nursing History and Ethics 2.

Annola, Johanna (2019) ”Tehe minusta itselles kunnian astia!” Kuuluminen ja kutsumus saarnaaja Antti Mäkisen elämässä 1800- ja 1900-lukujen vaihteessa. In Johanna Annola, Ville Kivimäki & Antti Malinen (eds.) Eletty historia: Kokemus näkökulmana menneisyyteen. Vastapaino, 149–177. 

Annola, Johanna (2019) A Place in the Sun? Education as a Middle-Class Family Value in Nineteenth-Century Finland. In Ulla Aatsinki, Johanna Annola & Mervi Kaarninen (eds.) Families, Values and the Transfer of Knowledge in Northern Societies, 1500–2000. Routledge, 186–205.

Annola, Johanna (2019) Maternalism and Workhouse Matrons in Nineteenth-Century Finland. Women’s History Review, vol. 28, no. 6, 950–966.

Annola, Johanna (2018) Female Biographies, Social Service and Social Mobility. In Daniel Nyström & Johanna Overud (eds.) Gender, History, Futures (Umeå: Sveriges kvinno- och genushistoriker), 40–49. 

Annola, Johanna (2017) Out of Poverty: The Ahrenberg Siblings, 1860–1920. Journal of Finnish Studies vol. 20 , no. 1, 132–163.

Annola, Johanna (2016) Agency and Structures in Poor Relief: The initiation of state control of poor relief in Finland and Sweden, 1880–1920. Nordic Historical Review, no 22, 203–222.

Annola, Johanna (2016) Elli Tavastähti ja 1920-luvun sosiaalipolitiikka maailmankuvien murroksessa. In Irma Sulkunen, Marjaana Niemi & Sari Katajala-Peltomaa (eds.) Usko, tiede ja historiankirjoitus: suomalaisia maailmankuvia keskiajalta 1900-luvulle. Finnish Literature Society, 131–173.

Annola, Johanna (2015) Conflict between Lived Religion and the State Control of Poor Relief: The case of Emma Mäkinen's private orphanage at the turn of the 20th century. Perichoresis 13.2, 77–96.

Annola, Johanna (2013) Valtiovalta köyhäintalon johtajan ammatin rakentajana 1880–1921. Janus: Sosiaalityön tutkimuksen ja sosiaalipolitiikan aikakauslehti vol. 21, no. 3, 192–205. 

Annola, Johanna (2011) Äiti, emäntä, virkanainen, vartija: Köyhäintalojen johtajattaret ja yhteiskunnallinen äitiys, 1880–1918, Finnish Literature Society. Doctoral dissertation.