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About me

Dr. Elina Kuusisto works as a University Lecturer in the domain of diversity and inclusive education at the Tampere University. She also holds a Title of Docent at the University of Helsinki. Her research interests include teacher ethics and school pedagogy. More particularly, through her studies she aims to enhance 1) civic purpose and purposeful teaching among students and teachers; 2) ethical sensitivity and moral education in schools; 3) talent development and growth mindset pedagogy to increase meaningful learning experiences of every student. 

Selected publications


Kuusisto, E., Gholami, K., & Tirri, K. (2016). Finnish and Iranian teachers’ views on their competence to teach purpose. Journal of Education for Teaching, 42 (5), 541-555. doi: 10.1080/02607476.2016.1226553

Kuusisto, E., de Groot, I., de Ruyter, D., Schutte, I., Rissanen, I., & Suransky, C. (2023). Life purposes: Comparing higher education students in four institutions in the Netherlands and Finland. Journal of Moral Education.

Kuusisto, E., & Schutte, I. (2022). Sustainability as a purpose in life among Dutch higher education students. Environmental Education Research.

Kuusisto, E., & Rissanen, I. (2023, in press). Kohti päämäärätietoista yhteiskunnallista opettajuutta? Opettajaopiskelijoiden tulevalle työlleen asettamat päämäärät [Towards a purposeful, societal teaching profession? Student teachers’ work-related purposes]. Kasvatus, 54(4). 

Kuusisto, E., & Tirri, K. (2021). The challenge of educating purposeful teachers in Finland. Education Sciences, 11(1), 29.


Kuusisto, E., Ubani, M., Nokelainen, P. & Toom, A. (Eds.) (2021). Good teachers for tomorrow’s schools – Purpose, values and talents in education. Brill Sense.

Tirri, K., & Kuusisto, E. (2022). Teachers’ professional ethics: Theoretical frameworks and empirical research from Finland. Brill.

Tirri, K., & Kuusisto, E. (2019). Opettajan ammattietiikkaa oppimassa [Learning teachers’ professional ethics]. Helsinki: Gaudeamus.

Gholami, K., Kuusisto, E., & Tirri, K. (2015). Is ethical sensitivity in teaching culturally bound? Comparing Finnish and Iranian teachers’ ethical sensitivity. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 45 (6), 886-907. doi: 10.1080/03057925.2014.984588


Kuusisto, E., Laine, S., & Tirri, K. (2017). How do school children and adolescents perceive the nature of talent development? A case study from Finland. Education Research International, 2017. doi: 10.1155/2017/4162957

Rissanen, I., Kuusisto, E., Tuominen, M., & Tirri, K. (2019). In search of a growth mindset pedagogy: A case study of one teacher’s classroom practices in a Finnish elementary school. Teaching and Teacher Education, 77, 204-213. doi: 10.1016/j.tate.2018.10.002

Rissanen, I., Laine, S., Puusepp, I., Kuusisto, E., & Tirri, K. (2021). Implementing and evaluating growth mindset pedagogy -A study of Finnish elementary school teachers. Frontiers in Education.


Kuusisto, E., Kuusisto, A., Rissanen, I., Holm, K., & Tirri, K. (2015). Finnish teachers’ and students’ intercultural sensitivity. Journal of Religious Education, 63 (29), 65–77. doi: 10.1007/s40839-016-0018-0

Rissanen, I., Kuusisto, E., & Kuusisto, A. (2016). Developing teachers’ intercultural sensitivity: Case study on a pilot course in Finnish teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 59, 446-456. doi: 10.1016/j.tate.2016.07.018


Kuusisto, E., Laine, S., & Rissanen, I. (2021). Education of the gifted and talented in Finland. In E. Kuusisto, M. Ubani, P. Nokelainen, & A. Toom (Eds.), Good teachers for tomorrow’s schools – Purpose, values and talents in education (pp. 195–216). Brill Sense.

Tirri, K., & Kuusisto, E. (2013). How Finland serves gifted and talented pupils. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 36(1), 84– 96. doi: 10.1177/0162353212468066