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Anu Viljanmaa

University Instructor, saksan kieli, kultt. ja kääntäm., al. tulkk. erit. kieliparissa suomi ja saksa

About me

Anu Viljanmaa has been teaching German and English interpreting at the University of Tampere, Finland since autumn 2009 and has been a full-time University Instructor since 2013. She defended her doctoral dissertation on the dialogue interpreter's professional listening competence in December 2020 (Viljanmaa 2020). In addition to her academic work she is an active, certified interpreter (EMCI). 

Fields of expertise

Dialogue interpreter's professional listening competence, dialogue interpreting, PSI, interpreting emotions, court interpreting, qualitative research interviews

Top achievements

Recipient of the International Listening Association Research Award 2021 for doctoral dissertation on dialogue interpreter's professional listening competence. The Listening Research Award is presented for outstanding achievement in research by an ILA member or group.

The ILA Research Award 2021 has been won by Dr. Anu Viljanmaa for her doctoral publication "Professionelle Zuhörkompetenz und Zuhörfilter beim Dialogdolmetschen". This work opens the reader to the intense and empathic listening skills required by professional interpreters and addresses the intellectual and emotional challenges faced by those who need to communicate through translation. 

Mission statement

My doctoral dissertation (Viljanmaa 2020) focused on the dialogue interpreter's professional listening competence and the internal and external listening filters in dialogue interpreting. My ongoing research project focuses on the use of on-demand interpreting services via mobile interpreting applications in public service settings.  

Research topics

Elements and dimensions of the dialogue interpreter's professional listening competence. 

Interaction in interpreter-mediated communication. 

Use of On-Demand interpreting applications in public service settings.

Research unit

Plural Multi (

Research fields

Interpreter's professional listening competence, interpersonal communication, On-Demand Interpreting, trust and rapport management in dialogue interpreting, PSI, interaction in interpreter-mediated communication 

Selected publications

Viljanmaa Anu. (2020). Professionelle Zuhörkompetenz und Zuhörfilter beim Dialogdolmetschen. Berlin: Frank & Timme. (Doctoral dissertation). 

Viljanmaa Anu. (2018). Inhimillinen tekijä: tunteet asioimistulkin työssä. Teoksessa Koskinen Kaisa, Vuori Jaana, Leminen Anni-Kaisa (toim.) Asioimistulkkaus: Monikielisen yhteiskunnan arkea. Tampere: Vastapaino, 121-156. 

Viljanmaa Anu. (2018). Spielräume beim Dialogdolmetschen: Zwischen Berufskodex und allgemeiner Moral ? Wann und warum wird von der Norm abgewichen. Teoksessa Kvam Sigmund, Meloni Ilaria, Parianou Anastasia, Schopp Jürgen F, Solfjeld Kåre (toim.) Spielräume der Translation: Dolmetschen und Übersetzen in Theorie und Praxis. Münster: Waxmann, 16-38. 

Viljanmaa Anu. (2018). Students? views on the use of film-based LangPerform computer simulations for dialogue interpreting. Translation and Interpreting Studies 13 (3) The Journal of the American Translation and Interpreting Studies Association, 465-485. 

Viljanmaa Anu. (2017). Von der Fremdsprachendidaktik zum Dolmetschunterricht. Filmbasierte Computersimulation und Dialogdolmetschertraining. Teoksessa Zupan Simon, Nuc Aleksandra (toim.) Interpreting Studies at the Crossroads of Disciplines. Berlin: Frank & Timme, 57-80. (Transkulturalität - Translation - Transfer 32). 

Viljanmaa Anu, Mäntynen Anna. (2017). "This is the way I have to act" : In search of court interpreters' ethics and role understanding. Teoksessa Liimatainen Annikki et al (toim.): Legal Translation and Court Interpreting: Ethical Values, Quality, Competence Training. Berlin: Frank & Timme, 149-178. (Forum für Fachsprachen-Forschung 140). 

Liimatainen Annikki, Nurmi Arja, Kivilehto Marja, Salmi Leena, Viljanmaa Anu, Wallace Melissa (Ed.). (2017). Legal Translation and Court Interpreting: Ethical Values, Quality, Competence Training. Berlin. (Forum für Fachsprachen-Forschung 140): Frank & Timme. 

Viljanmaa Anu. (2015). Two modes of practice in dialogue-interpreter training: adding live practice in the interpreting booth alongside traditional face-to-face training. The Interpreters' Newsletter 2015 (20), 217-232. 

Viljanmaa Anu. (2015). Wie den richtigen Ton finden? Gedanken zum professionellen Stimmgebrauch beim Dolmetschen von prosodischen Emotionsausdrücken und ihre Behandlung im Dolmetschunterricht. mTm - A Translation Journal 2015 (7), 127-150. 

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