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Course unit, curriculum year 2020–2021

Planning, Managing and Completing Your Doctoral Thesis, 2 cr

Tampere University

Planning, Managing and Completing Your Doctoral Thesis (Participation in teaching), English

Participation in teaching
Language of instruction
2 cr
Grading scale
Responsible organisation
Doctoral School (Research and Innovation Services) 100 %

Scheduled teaching

Course unit realisation

Planning, Managing and Completing Your Doctoral Thesis, Lectures

Online teaching (English)
18.11.2020 – 24.11.2020
Active in period 2 (19.10.2020–31.12.2020)
The course is directed at doctoral researchers at the beginning phase of their studies.

Pre-assignment: Please write a short (1-2 A4) text in which you must include:

1) Your name & field of research

2) The format of your thesis to be (article doctorate/monograph)

3) 3 key journals + 3 key conferences in your own field

4) 3 issues that you find are the most challenging when it comes to managing the day-to-day

reality of thesis writing.

5) Using the EuroDoc -chart on transferable skills, write our own analysis on your existing skills set and the area where you especially wish to develop yourself throughout your doctorate.

Study methods
Learning environments

Common learning events for all
