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Selaat menneen lukuvuoden (2019–2020) opintotietoja.
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Tutkinto-ohjelma, lukuvuosi 2019–2020

Degree Programme in Security and Safety Management, MSc (Tech), 120 op

Tampereen yliopisto
  • After graduating from the master's programme, the student:
    -understands how local and global processes affect the changing security, safety and risk management demands from the level of individual enterprises, businesses and local business environments through the level of national security policy, regional security complexes and global governance
    -recognizes key differences and similarities between the requirements of safety management and security governance within private and public sphere as well as in the work of the third sector both locally and globally
    -can explain the basic concepts and terms of risk management and safety leadership
    -is familiar with the key approaches and theories in international security studies, societal security and security governance research and is able to apply them to practical problem-solving situations and empirical research cases
    -is able to analytically evaluate how distant and complex global processes affect the reliability, safety and risks of local systems and working environments and how security dynamics in local contexts can have repercussions on national and regional policies and how they are interlinked with global security governance concerns
    -masters the ability to analytically and critically evaluate the changing demands of safety management, security governance, risk analysis and their interrelationship
    -is able to collaborate and have a dialogue with different stakeholders across the security political and safety management sectors
    -is able to evaluate the economic consequences of the occupational accidents and illnesses as well as understand the basic strategies of accident prevention
    -has the ability to construct innovative research puzzles based on existing research literature that aim to yield new research results with practical relevance
    -has the ability to work as an active and constructive leader across different disciplinary fields and working environments related to security and safety management
120 op
Tutkinto-ohjelman tyyppi
Ylempi tutkinto-ohjelma
Hervannan kampus
751601 Dipl.ins., tuotantotalous
  • Tekniikan alat
Jouni Kivistö-Rahnasto