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Tutkinto-ohjelma, lukuvuosi 2023–2024

Master's Programme in Science and Engineering, 120 op

Tampereen yliopisto
  • In addition to general learning outcomes obtained in Bachelor of Science in Technology, after completing the degree of Master of Science in Technology the student:

    - attains competence to follow the development of scientific engineering field and to improve their expertise.

    - attains competence to use their language, communication and cooperation skills in working life and to apply them to scientific activities and societal debate.

    - attains competence to operate in expert, development and managerial positions in the area of science and engineering

    - attains competence to apply the knowledge acquired during advanced studies and a scientific approach to topical and concrete tasks

    After achieving the learning outcomes, students will meet the prerequisites for pursuing a postgraduate degree.
Sisällön kuvaus
A degree in science and engineering is a stepping-stone to versatile career paths. It provides you with a strong background in mathematics and natural sciences. In-depth knowledge and skills in these fields enable you to work on the creative cutting edge of modern technology, where there are no ready-made solutions.

You can choose either mathematics or physics as your major and tailor your degree with elective studies to become an expert in e.g.

- predicting the spread of pollution nanoparticles with the help of a parallel computer cluster;
- designing new types of laser sources for spectroscopy and microscopy;
- obtaining 3D images with numerical modeling based on electromagnetic and optical signals in biomedical, biological, geological and space applications; or
- designing methods for suppression of vibrations in flexible structures, such as solar panel arrays on satellites.

Many M.Sc. graduates continue studies towards a doctoral degree by carrying out research work in laboratories. Most of them have already gained research experience in summer projects or during their M.Sc. thesis work. However, the largest part of the M.Sc. graduates move directly to industry to work as an engineer in research and development, as an expert in the public sector, as a business or technology consultant, or as an entrepreneur. Generally, there is a high demand in the job market for skilled professionals with strong problem solving skills that this degree provides.
2021–2022, 2022–2023, 2023–2024
120 op
Tutkinto-ohjelman tyyppi
Ylempi tutkinto-ohjelma
Hervannan kampus
751204 Dipl.ins., teknis-luonnontieteellinen koulutus
  • Tekniikan alat
Laeticia Petit
Jorma Keskinen 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2028, tutkinto-ohjelmavastaava