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Selaat menneen lukuvuoden (2019–2020) opintotietoja.
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Tutkinto-ohjelma, lukuvuosi 2019–2020

Master's Degree Programme in Digital Literacy Education, 120 op

Tampereen yliopisto

• be an expert in digital literacies and media education

• be able to conduct research projects at professional standards in the field

• have developed analytical and problem-solving skills

• be able to demonstrate a sound knowledge of respective and integrated attributes of media and education in theory and in practice

• be able to participate and lead members of team structures

• be able to understand and reflect media, cultures and technologies such as ICT in learning environments

• be able to manage (develop, implement, lead) digital literacy education in organisations

• be able to think critically to develop fresh insight and build knowledge

• be able to respect the crucial importance of professional media ethics in the face of many and often significant pressures to engage in questionable practices

Sisällön kuvaus

The programme focuses on developing expertise in the new discipline of digital literacy education. The discipline is formed by linking media literacy to information and communication technology in learning, media use, and critical thinking in media saturated societies. The programme develops the students’ expertise in tutoring and develops the conceptual awareness and practical skills needed for competence in reading and writing media and creating suitable learning environments.

The programme and research on digital literacy education support the current research priorities of communication sciences, particularly from the perspectives of audiencing and priorities. Education sciences as a collaboration partner contribute to the programme by providing the perspective of pedagogies in mediated learning environments. The programme will facilitate maturity in the cognitive skills needed to understand and evaluate media and its contents as well as cultural practices, which enables media users to be more than consumers since they can actively do mediation for themselves (i.e. as prosumers).

A master’s degree in digital literacy education is pertinent to various contexts, for example schools, media organisations and public administration. In the school environment, graduates may be involved in the development of curricula across all levels. Educators in preschool organisations and youth counselling need skills to reflect on media with children.

Yhteiskuntatieteiden maisteri
Kasvatustieteen maisteri
120 op
Tutkinto-ohjelman tyyppi
Ylempi tutkinto-ohjelma
999999 Muu tai tuntematon koulutus, koulutusaste tuntematon
733404 Fil. maist., kasvatustieteet
  • Kasvatusalat
  • Yhteiskunnalliset alat
Sirkku Kotilainen
Reijo Kupiainen