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Selaat tulevan lukuvuoden (2024–2025) opintotietoja.
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Tutkinto-ohjelma, lukuvuosi 2024–2025

Master's Programme in Game Studies, 120 op

Tampereen yliopisto

After completing the Master's degree you are expected to:

  • be familiar with scientific thinking and capable of applying scientific working methods in your own area of specialisation

  • be motivated for lifelong learning

  • be capable of undertaking scientific postgraduate studies

  • be capable of applying the knowledge acquired and of functioning in international working life

After completing the Master’s Degree Programme in Game Studies you will:

  • be able to identify, define, and analyse games and play in their various forms

  • understand and be capable of critically using the concepts and theories that relate to the fundamental character of games, play, and the phenomena around them

  • have in-depth understanding about the forms, practices, and contexts of games as cultural, social, technical, and commercial phenomena

  • be able to work in interdisciplinary teams as an expert of games and related phenomena (e.g. online cultures, game production, gamification)

  • be a domain expert in a specific subsection of cultural game studies (depending on the chosen topic of Master’s thesis)

Sisällön kuvaus

Master's Degree Programme in Game Studies provides an in-depth view to the fundamental character of games and play. Expanding from entertainment to other areas of life, digital games have grown into a form of culture and human interaction that is a crucial part of our social life and current media landscape -- while analog games have a history longer than film, literature, or writing.

The programme is particularly targeted at the questions of analysis, contextual understanding, creation, and application of games from the interconnected perspectives of games, game players, game developers, and game cultures. It will give you the academic skills needed to analyse, observe, and understand the developments in this field of study while also encouraging a more pragmatic involvement and hands-on attitude with games and playful design.

2024–2025, 2025–2026, 2026–2027
Yhteiskuntatieteiden maisteri
120 op
Tutkinto-ohjelman tyyppi
Ylempi tutkinto-ohjelma
733299 Yhteiskuntat. maist., muu tai tuntematon pääaineryhmä
  • Yhteiskunnalliset alat
Paavo Arvola 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2028, tutkinto-ohjelmavastaava
Kati Alha
Jaakko Stenros