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Selaat menneen lukuvuoden (2019–2020) opintotietoja.
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Opetustarjonta, lukuvuosi 2019–2020

Research Process: Managing Research Information, Managing Research Information, 2 ECTS

Verkko-opetus (englanti)
21.10.2019 – 8.12.2019
Aktiivinen periodissa 2 (21.10.2019–31.12.2019)

Learning outcomes:

Goal of this online course is to get the participant acquainted with the processes of systematic information management within the participants’ own research work. After completing the course, the participant

  • will be able to seek and manage information efficiently
  • recognizes how metrics can be utilized in evaluating scientific visibility and impact
  • understands the open science principles in research publication and can assess scientific publication channels
  • knows the key principles of research data management

Student group: Doctoral researchers and researchers

Module 1: Scientific literature retrieval
Module 2: Visibility and impact
Module 3: Research data management
Module 4: Open Access publishing

Organised by: Tampere University Library

People in charge: Saila Huuskonen, Sari Leppänen, Saija Tapio

Teaching period: All modules will last for one week.

Group size: No limit

Evaluation: Pass/fail

Evaluation criteria: Active participation in web-based working and exercises done on time.

More information: saila.huuskonen (at) tuni.fi

Enrolment period for autumn 2019 courses arranged in English language starts on 1 August 2019 in NettiOpsu system. Enrolment time ends on 14 October 2019. Hervanta campus doctoral researchers apply the right to study TAYJ modules from 1 August 2019 onwards through the service for cross-institutional studies at https://www10.uta.fi/ristiinopiskelupalvelu/?uiLang=en . The doctoral school study units can be found with code TAYJ. Enrollment is done in NettiOpsu system also in this case.

Vaadittavat suoritukset

Managing Research Information

Managing Research Information

Osallistuminen opetukseen
Tutkijakoulu (Tutkimus ja innovaatiot)
Saila Huuskonen
Paula Nissilä
Pääasiallinen opintojakso