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Selaat menneen lukuvuoden (2019–2020) opintotietoja.
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Opetustarjonta, lukuvuosi 2019–2020

Quantitative Data Analysis: Visualization of Quantitative Data, Visualization of Quantitative Data, 2 ECTS

Luento-opetus (englanti)
5.12.2019 – 12.12.2019
Aktiivinen periodissa 2 (21.10.2019–31.12.2019)

The get sufficient pre-knowledge, you can go throughout the "A guide to R in English (Pasi Väkeväinen, 2019) Tiedosto" available in Moodle under "Tilastolliset ohjelmistot – Statistical software" (direct link: https://learning2.uta.fi/course/view.php?id=10574&section=2).

Goals: The course:

- Introduces participants to the R environment

- Introduces the participants to data exploration and data visualization

- Provides a recent variety of techniques and strategies to visualize quantitative data

Place: Computer classroom Pinni B0040 (Pinni B building)



09.15-12.00 Introduction to R
12.00-13.00 Lunch break
13.00-16.00 Introduction to data exploration and data visualization: types of data and of databases; online databases; Visualization of multivariate data


09.15-12.00 Visualization of temporal data and of spatial data; text visualization
12.00-13.00 lunch break
13.00-16.00 Real time big data applications

PLEASE NOTE: Attendance to BOTH days is required for the completion of the course.

Teacher: Paulo Canas Rodrigues

Pre-assignment: Please write a short (one A4) text stating:

1) Your name & disciplinary background
2) State your own motivation for participating on this course and what do you expect to learn.

DEADLINE for the pre-assignments to be announced.

In addition, participants will write a mini-assignment after the second meeting with a two weeks’ deadline. Maximum number of students is 24. Selection method is draw.

Enrolment period for autumn 2019 courses arranged in English language starts on 1 August 2019 in NettiOpsu system. Enrolment time ends on 31 August 2019. Hervanta campus doctoral researchers apply the right to study TAYJ modules from 1 August 2019 onwards through the service for cross-institutional studies at https://www10.uta.fi/ristiinopiskelupalvelu/?uiLang=en . The doctoral school study units can be found with code TAYJ. Enrollment is done in NettiOpsu system also in this case.

Vaadittavat suoritukset

Selection group

Teaching Group

Osallistuminen opetukseen
Tutkijakoulu (Tutkimus ja innovaatiot)
Paulo Canas Rodrigues
Paula Nissilä
Pääasiallinen opintojakso