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Selaat menneen lukuvuoden (2023–2024) opintotietoja.
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Tutkinto-ohjelma, lukuvuosi 2023–2024

Doctoral Programme in Plenoptic Imaging, 240 op

Tampereen yliopisto

The goal of the program is to educate experts who will possess following skills:
• Research-oriented skills: Able to advance knowledge of the area of optics, (nano)photonics, multidimensional signal processing, vision, computational Imaging, as well as machine and deep learning.
• Practical skills: Employ the theoretical knowledge in emerging applications.
• Management skills: Have strategic thinking, capabilities to organize, plan actions and evaluate risks as well as to lead research teams in collaborative, multidisciplinary, and multicultural environment.
• Value creation skills: Ability to explore new opportunities and understand market and societal needs, and create unique, protectable, scalable solutions.
• Transferable skills: Become experts in communication, entrepreneurship, commercialization of results, and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) protection.

Such versatile education will enable the graduates to work in various expert, design and research professions and thereby contribute to further development of science and improve everyone’s day-to-day live.

Sisällön kuvaus

Plenoptic imaging is aimed at training highly educated and skillful experts and settles the foundations for developing future imaging systems that handle visual information in fundamentally new ways, augmenting the human perceptual, creative, and cognitive capabilities.

The programme undertakes a trans-disciplinary approach to imaging by studying the phenomena of light field formation, propagation, sensing and perception along with the computational methods for extracting, processing and rendering the visual information. This requires advanced education in the physics of light, new optical materials and sensing principles, signal processing methods, new computing architectures, and vision science modelling. Such approach goes beyond the existing degree programmes, across different areas and faculties, and will give the newly graduates a broader perspective to problems related to imaging.

Plenoptic Imaging (PLENOPTIMA) is a four-year H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network that develops a cross-disciplinary approach to plenoptic imaging. It's four other beneficiaries together with Tampere University are Mid Sweden University (MIUN, Sweden), Université de Rennes I (in collaboration with INRIA, France), Technische Universität Berlin (TUB, Germany), and Institute of Optical Materials and Technologies at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IOMT, Bulgaria).

2023–2024, 2024–2025
Filosofian tohtori
Tekniikan tohtori
240 op
Tutkinto-ohjelman tyyppi
Hervannan kampus
999999 Muu tai tuntematon koulutus, koulutusaste tuntematon
  • Luonnontieteet
  • Tietojenkäsittely ja tietoliikenne
  • Tekniikan alat
Atanas Gotchev