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Supporting career paths

Tampere University of Applied Sciences
Duration of project1.4.2018–31.12.2020

The aim of the project is to develop the abilities of UASs in promoting the employability of UAS students needing support in their studies. The project aims to
1) survey the needs of career guidance among students needing special support in their studies as well the working life situation and conditions of supporting UAS students' employability
2) create learning modules that support learning and work life abilities of UAS students as part of career guidance and develop the support services for students needing special support as part of career and employment services in universities of applied sciences
3) strengthen the collaboration of UASs, workplaces and public and third sector actors in promoting the employability of students needing special support
4) increase the awareness of universities of applied sciences and working life in enhancing the employability of UAS students needing special support


The project will support higher education students' employment by creating and piloting learning modules that support their learning and work life abilities and by strengthening collaboration of UASs, workplaces and public and third sector actors in promoting the employability of students needing special support. Development of learning and work life abilities among students needing special support offers them equal starting points for entering the labour market. Direction of career guidance to students needing special support improves their study progress, reduces the dropout rate and supports employment of underrepresented groups.

Funding source

Euroopan sosiaalirahasto (ESR) 2014-2020

Contact persons

Maija Joensuu
maija.joensuu [at]

Tuula Isosuo
tuula.isosuo [at]