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KEMUSOTE - Light entrepreneurship and resilience as an enhancer for health and well-being at work in social and health services

Tampere University of Applied Sciences
Duration of project1.3.2020–28.2.2023

To develop service concepts into new service production models in the social and
the healthcare sector, which takes into account the special features of work and supports wellbeing at work.


KEMUSOTE - Light entrepreneurship and resilience as an
enhancer for conditions and work well-being in social and
healthcare sector -project briefly in English

The main objective of the KEMUSOTE project is to strengthen the prerequisite for operation,
resilience, work well-being and lengthening of working careers in social and healthcare sector.
In addition, the project produces knowledge of the co-operative form's feasibility as a way of
organizing social and healthcare services in areas of dispersed settlement. Consequently, the
project will contribute to market operability and enhances multi producers as a way of
producing services.

KEMUSOTE-project is managed by JAMK University of Applied Sciences and it is carried out in
collaboration with TAMK, XAMK, Turku, Humak and Laurea Universities of Applied Sciences
1.3.2020 - 28.2.2023.

Funding source

Euroopan sosiaalirahasto (ESR) 2014-2020

Contact persons

Hannele Palukka
hannele.palukka [at]