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EPSULA - Educational Portal for Sustainable Cultural Diversity in Latin America

Tampere University
Duration of project2.1.2023–31.12.2025
Area of focusSociety
Epsula project logo.

The EPSULA project addresses challenges faced by the vulnerable indigenous communities in distant regions of Ecuador and El Salvador and aims to develop an open-source innovative multilingual online portal that will form part of HE programmes, thanks to which the community individual members with fewer opportunities will be able to become active agents of change.

The portal will have two essential types of content, a digital Collection of tangible (traditional crafts) and intangible (folklore, oral traditions) cultural heritage items, and a digital Compendium of educational modules and innovative methodologies.

The goals of the EPSULA project will have Higher Education level, cultural and social level impact.


European Commission

Coordinating organisation

Masaryk University (Czech Republic)


Tampere University, Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
University of Azuay (Ecuador)
Politecnical Salesian University (Ecuador)
University of Don Bosco (El Salvador)
Universidad Politecnica Salesiana (Ecuador)