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COVID-HL – A Global Research Network to Investigate Health Literacy in Times of COVID-19

Tampere University
Area of focusHealth, Society

With an international COVID-HL survey, university students’ ability to search and handle information related to COVID-19 pandemic as well as students’ health and well-being during the exceptional circumstances are studied.

The results will add understanding on what are efficient and manageable ways to spread information during exceptional circumstances. The information received from the study can be utilized in developing welfare services related to students’ well-being.

In Finland, the survey has been conducted in universities and polytechnics of Tampere, Turku, Eastern Finland and Lapland. The responsible Finnish research group contains researchers from universities of Tampere, Eastern Finland and Jyväskylä, and its PI’s are Pirjo Lindfors (TUNI), Marjo-Rita Sormunen (UEF) and Leena Paakkari (JYU).

The international consortium contains 38 countries and the study is coordinated in Germany, University of Bielefeld. The first results from the Finnish data will be published in autumn 2020.