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Open lecture series on urban sustainability 10.1.-14.2.2023

Tampere University
LocationCity centre campus, Linna building, Väinö Linna auditorium (K104) and remote connection
Date10.1.2023 15.00–17.00
Show all dates
LanguageFinnish, English
Entrance feeFree of charge
Urban landscape.
Welcome to Studia Generalia lecture series on 10.1.–14.2.2023! The series offers insights to various topics around urban sustainability, provided by Tampere University researchers from different fields of study. The lectures are free and open for all interested. Take a look at the topics below and join us!

The lectures are held every Tuesday at 17-19 on 10.1.–14.12.2023 in Linna building, Väinö Linna auditorium (Kalevantie 5, Tampere). You can also follow them online via Zoom.

Lecture topics and the schedule

10.1. klo 17–19: Sustainable development in urban environments, recording of the lecture available on YouTube untill 24.1.2023

  • Alvaro Corredor Ochoa, Doctoral Researcher, architecture: Urban sustainability

17.1. klo 17–19: Kestävyysmurros kunnissa, luentotallenne saatavilla YouTubessa 1.2.2023 saakka

  • Anni Jäntti, yliopistonlehtori, kunta- ja aluejohtaminen: Kunnat kestävyysmurroksessa
  • Pauliina Lehtonen, tutkija, sosiaalipolitiikka: Arjen osallisuus lähiökehittämisessä

24.1. klo 17–19: Kaupunkiluonto

  • Nina V. Nygren, HT: Monilajinen kaupunki
  • Juho Rajaniemi, professori & Laura Uimonen, yliopisto-opettaja, arkkitehtuuri: Kaupunkien suunnittelu elonkirjolle

31.1. klo 17–19: Sustainable living environment

  • ASUTUT research group, architecture: Urban Housing Design and sustainable living environment qualities

7.2.klo 17–19: Urban everyday peace

  • Anna Sofia Suoranta, Doctoral Researcher & Ebru Sevik, Researcher, peace studies: Urban Everyday Peace

14.2. klo 17–19: Embodied knowledge in cities

  • Elina Alatalo, Doctoral Researcher, administritative studies & Dalia Milián Bernal, Doctoral Researcher, architecture & Hanna Kahrola, Fema artist group: Knowing through embodied moving in the city

The lecture series is bilingual. If the topic is in English, the lecture will be given in English and if in Finnish, the lecture will be given in Finnish. The lecture series is organised by Sustainable Transformation of Urban Environments (STUE) profiling area and Tampere Urban Research Network for Sustainability (TURNS) research network.

See more detailed lecture descriptions on STUE website

Upcoming events

Past events

10.1.2023 15.00–17.00
17.1.2023 15.00–17.00
24.1.2023 15.00–17.00
31.1.2023 15.00–17.00
7.2.2023 15.00–17.00
14.2.2023 15.00–17.00

Further information

Research Coordinator Alisa Vänttinen,