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Johanna Hokka

Postdoctoral Research Fellow


I work as a postdoctoral research fellow in the project Coexistence and conflict in the age of complexity (EmergentCommunity). The project is led by senior research fellow Eeva Puumala and funded by European Reseach Council. 

Fields of expertise

I am interested in how emotions construct the power relations in urban neighbourhoods in the age of complexity. Previously, my research has concerned the power struggles inside academia. In the project Academic Affects: research strategies as emotional hotspots my interest lies in the way emotions work to produce values, norms and ideals in the current academia. In particular, I have examined the affective-discursive sense-making among the university managers. My thesis Mitä on hyvä sosiologia: poikkikulttuurinen tutkimus sosiologian itseymmärryksestä (What counts as good sociology: cross-cultural analysis of the self-understanding of sociology) concerns how the elite in sociology defines good sociology in different national and temporal contexts.  

Research fields

sosiology, urban studies, science studies