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About me

Élise Féron is a Docent and a senior research fellow at the Tampere Peace Research Institute (Finland). She lectures for the MA in Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research. Before moving to Finland, she held permanent positions at the University of Kent (UK) and at Sciences Po Lille (France).

She holds an Accreditation to Supervise Research (Docent) and a PhD in Political Science from the University of Lille (France, 2003 and 1999). 

She is an invited professor at the University of Turin (Italy), the University of Coimbra (Portugal) and Sciences Po Lille (France). 

Fields of expertise

Élise Féron has chaired 8 major international projects over the past 15 years, funded by the EU (FP6, FP7, EuropeAid, Interreg IVC), the KONE Foundation and the Academy of Finland/Research Council of Finland. 

Her main research interests include feminist peace research, conflict-generated diaspora politics, as well as the multiple entanglements between conflict, violence and peace.

She has collected data in various so-called "conflict" or "post-conflict" areas, such as Eastern Congo, Burundi, Rwanda, Northern Ireland, Cyprus, the South Caucasus and the Balkans, among other places.

Research topics

Main research interests: feminist peace research, conflict-generated diaspora politics, as well as the multiple entanglements between conflict, violence and peace.

Selected publications

Books and journal special issues (past 3 years)

(2024) Feminist Peace Research. An Introduction. London and New York: Routledge. Co-authored with Tarja Väyrynen. 

(2024) Diasporas and Transportation of Homeland Conflicts: Inter-group Dynamics and Host Country Responses. Routledge. Edited with Bahar Baser. Augmented edition of the Special Issue of Ethnopolitics mentioned below. 

(2023) Diasporas and Transportation of Homeland Conflicts: Inter-group Dynamics and Host Country Responses. Special Issue of Ethnopolitics. Edited with Bahar Baser.

(2021) Diasporas and Conflict Transportation: Challenges and Creative Practices. Tampere: TAPRI Book Series. Edited with Cæcilie Svop Jensen.

(2021) Handbook of Feminist Peace Research. London and New York: Routledge. Edited with Tarja Väyrynen, Swati Parashar, and Catia C. Confortini. 


Peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters (past 3 years)

(2024) “Constructing the Local in Madagascar: Resistance and Politics of Scale” (with Velomahanina Razakamahavaro), Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding. DOI - 10.1080/17502977.2024.2353013

(2024) “The embodiment of post-war reconciliation? The issue of the missing after the Georgian-Abkhazian armed conflict” (with Vadim Romashov), Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology. 

(2024) Violences sexuelles en période de guerre. Théories, méthodes et pistes de recherche. Cahiers du CERIUM, 32.

(2023) “‘Throwing in my two cents’: Burundian diaspora youth between conventional and transformative forms of mobilization”, Globalizations,

(2023) “Memories of violence in the Rwandan diaspora: Intergenerational transmission and conflict transportation”, Ethnic and Racial Studies,

(2023) “Pathways to Conflict Transportation and Autonomisation: The Armenian Diaspora and the Conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh” (with Bahar Baser), Ethnopolitics. 

(2023) “Diasporas and Transportation of Homeland Conflicts: Inter-group Dynamics and Host Country Responses” (with Bahar Baser), Ethnopolitics. 

(2023) “Wartime Sexual Violence”, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies.

(2023) “A Contextual and Intersectional Analysis of Reintegration: The Case of Burundi.” In Ibrahim Bangura (ed.), Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration of Ex-Combatants in Africa. London: Routledge: 209-223.

(2023) “Conflict memories and sexual and gender-based violence.” In Eric Sangar, Valérie Rosoux, Anne Bazin and Emmanuelle Hébert (eds.), Memory Fragmentation from Below and Beyond the State: Uses of the Past in Conflict and Post-Conflict Settings, London: Routledge: 47-60.

(2022) “Embodied Reconciliation: A New Research Agenda” (with Roddy Brett, Richard English and Valérie Rosoux), Peacebuilding 

(2022) “Power/Resistance: External Actors, Local Agency and the Burundian Peacebuilding Project” (with Keith Krause), European Journal of International Security.  

(2022) “Understanding Conflicts as Clouds: An Exploration of Northern Irish Conflict Narratives” (with Sofiya Voytiv), Globalizations. 

(2022) “Diasporas, Home Conflicts, and Conflict Transportation in Countries of Settlement.” In Liam Kennedy (ed.), Routledge International Handbook of Diaspora Diplomacy. London and New York: Routledge: 296-306.

(2021) Exploring the Potential of Cross-Regional Dialogue Platforms in Protracted Conflict Settings” (with Marko Lehti, Vadim Romashov & Sebastian Relitz), Journal of Dialogue Studies, 9: 97-119.

(2021) “Toward a Theory of Diaspora Formation through Conflict Deterritorialization” (with Sofiya Voytiv), Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, 21(3): 210-224. 

(2021) “Host State Reactions to Home State Diaspora Engagement Policies: Rethinking State Sovereignty and Limits of Diaspora Governance” (with Bahar Baser), Global Networks.

(2021) “Towards an intersectional approach to populism: Comparative perspectives from Finland and India” (with Shweta Singh), Contemporary Politics, 27(5): 528-549.

(2021) “From Women to Gender and Intersectionality: Rethinking Approaches to Economic Vulnerability and Resilience.” In Pascaline Gaborit and Donath Olomi (eds.), Learning from Resilience Strategies in Tanzania. An Outlook of International Development Challenges. Brussels: Peter Lang: 287-307.

(2021) “Conflict Prevention, Dialogue and Resilience: Exploring Links and Strategies.” (with Cæcilie Svop Jensen). In Pascaline Gaborit and Donath Olomi (eds.), Learning from Resilience Strategies in Tanzania. An Outlook of International Development Challenges. Brussels: Peter Lang: 261-283.

(2021) “Gender and diaspora.” In Tarja Väyrynen, Élise Féron, Swati Parashar and Catia C. Confortini (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Feminist Peace Research. London and New York: Routledge: 428-436.