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About me

On August 28th, 2020, I defended my doctoral dissertation (monograph) Towards a critical social ontology: A study on Pierre Bourdieu and Axel Honneth, under the supervision of Professor Arto Laitinen (Tampere University) and Senior Lecturer Onni Hirvonen (University of Jyväskylä). The dissertation was accepted with distinction on September 23, 2020. 

In my doctoral dissertation, I provided a novel comparative study of two prominent social theorists, Axel Honneth and Pierre Bourdieu, developing new conceptual tools useful for philosophical studies and research in social sciences. 

In my current postdoc research, I will approach problems related to health justice and equity problems, which are currently pivotal in the public debate related to the COVID-19 pandemic, from a perspective that is sensitive to the theory of recognition and critical theory. More precisely, the postdoc research aims to enrich and empower the current debate on public health, which employs a cost versus benefit model, with ethical and critical evaluations that focus on the idea of the good life of individuals and society. Besides, it will argue that the current pandemic must be considered a systemic ailment characteristic of how our contemporary overly complex societies are organized.

Fields of expertise

Ethics, Critical Theory, Social Ontology


Finnish Cultural Foundation & Finnish Cultural Foundation-Pirkanmaa; Signe and Ane Gyllenberg Foundation, «Pandemics, Social Distancing, and Social Pathologies. An Ethical and Socio-Philosophical Perspective», 2021-2024.

Selected publications


Selected list, in counter-chronological order. Total number of publications: 36.

Google Scholar: Citations: 15, h-index: 2.

Most important publications marked with a asterisk *

A. Peer-Reviewed Articles:

1. “Non-pharmaceutical interventions and social distancing as intersubjective Care and collective protection”, Asian Bioethics Review, 2022. *

2. “Fields of recognition: A dialogue between Pierre Bourdieu and Axel Honneth”, Human Studies, 2022. *

3. “Hope, habitus, and social recognition: a Bourdieusian proposal”, Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior, 51, 2021, pp. 619–635. *

4. “Can critical theory work without the concept of ‘ideology’? A Bourdieusian perspective”, Consecutio Rerum, 10, 2021. *

5. “Pathologies of society and social philosophy: New perspectives from Finland”, Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory, 2020, DOI: 10.1080/1600910X.2020.1779770. *

6. “Conflitto, riconoscimento e dominio. Tra John Dewey e Pierre Bourdieu”, La società degli individui, 63, 2018/3. *

7. “Patologie della società e filosofia sociale. Nuove prospettive dalla Finlandia”, Consecutio Rerum, 4, 2018.

8. “Il dominio della crisi in Europa”, Philosophical Readings, 10, 2018/1. *

9. “Pierre Bourdieu: habitus collettivo e riconoscimento sociale”, Quaderni della Ginestra, 22, 2017/3.

10. With Paolo Costa, Marco Solinas, “Verso un nuovo spirito della critica”, La società degli individui, 53, 2015/2.

11. With Timothy Tambassi, “Relativismo e critica alla teoria critica”, La società degli 

individui, 49, 2014/1.

12. “Reclusi in 35 millimetri”, La società degli individui, 40, 2011/1. 

B. Non-Refereed Scientific Articles:

13. “Tunnustuksen kentät, habitukset ja pääomat”, Ajatus, 77, 2020/1.

14. With Stefano Canali, “Introduction. Which philosophy, ethics, and politics for epidemiology today?”, Mefisto, 5, 2021/1*

C. Scientific Books (Edited Refereed Collections, Special Issues of Scholarly Journals, Translations):

15. With Stefano Canali, “The philosophy, ethics, and politics of epidemiology today”, Mefisto, 5, 2021/1. *

16. Translation, John Dewey, Filosofia sociale e politica. Lezioni in Cina (1919-1920), ed. Federica Gregoratto, Rosenberg & Sellier, 2017. *

17. With Diego Melegari, La società degli individui, 52, 2015/2. *

D. Other Scholarly Publications 

D.1 Book Reviews on Scholarly Journals

18. Barbara Stiegler, “De la démocratie en pandémie. Santé, recherche, education”, Mefisto, 5, 2021/1.

19. Matteo Santarelli, “La vita interessata”, Quaderni di Teoria Sociale, 2020/1-2.

20. Pierre Rosanvallon, “La legittimità democratica”, La società degli individui, 54, 2015/3.

21. Federica Gregoratto, “Il doppio volto della comunicazione”, La società degli individui, 52, 2015/1.

22. Alessandro Bellan, “Teorie della reificazione”, La società degli individui, 51, 2014/3.

23. Ermanno Vitale, “Contro i beni comuni. Una critica illuminista”, La società degli 

individui, 48, 2013/3.

24. Valentina Pazè, “In nome del popolo. Il problema democratico”, La società degli 

individui, 42, 2011/3.

25. Michel Henry, “Marx. Una filosofia della realtà”, Quaderni della ginestra, 4, 2011/3. 

26. Vito Mancuso, “La vita autentica”, La società degli individui, 38, 2010/2.

D.2 Teaching materials

27. Introduction to the course IHMJ1004, Research Ethics for Philosophers (Responsible Teacher Petteri Niemi, University of Jyväskylä).

E. Publications intended for the general public:

28. “Il samovar rovesciato di Helsinki. La Finlandia fra svolta atlantista e l’aggressione russa dell’Ucraina”, Le parole e le cose, 01/07/2022,

29. “La pandemia nella regione nei laghi. Suomi Mon Amour”, Le parole e le cose, 21/03/2020,

 Finnish transl., “Suomi mon amour: pandemia järvien maassa”, Nuori Voima, 07/04/2020,

30. Movie Review, “Holy Motors” by Leos Carax, Quaderni della ginestra, 10, 2013/3.

31. Movie Review, “Black Mirror” by Charlie Brooker, Quaderni della ginestra, 9, 2013/2.

32. Movie Review, “Dogtooth” by Yorgos Lanthimos, Quaderni della ginestra, 4, 2011/3.

33. Movie Review, “Lunacy” by Jan Svankmajer, Quaderni della ginestra, 2, 2011/1.

34. Movie Review, “The wave” by Dennis Gansel, Quaderni della ginestra, 1, 2010/1.

35. Movie Review, “The third generation” by R. W. Fassbinder, Quaderni della ginestra, 1, 2010/1.

G. Theses

36. Doctoral dissertation, Toward a Critical Social Ontology: A Study on Pierre Bourdieu and Axel Honneth, Tampere University Dissertation, 294/2020. *