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You are browsing the curriculum of a past academic year (2019–2020).
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Teaching schedule, curriculum year 2019–2020

Academic Supervision and Guidance, Seminar

Seminar (Finnish)
13.9.2019 – 13.12.2019
Active in period 1 (1.8.2019–20.10.2019)
Active in period 2 (21.10.2019–31.12.2019)
Opinnot on suunnattu Tampereen korkeakouluyhteisöön työsuhteessa oleville henkilöille, ensisijaisesti yliopiston opettajille ja ohjaajille sekä muille opetus- ja ohjaustehtäviä hoitaville henkilöille. Ennen opintojaksolle osallistumista suositellaan Yliopistopedagogiikan perusteet (10 op) tai vastaavan opintojakson suorittamista.

Participation in teaching (English, Finnish)

A virtual learning environment will be used to facilitate learning during the course. The practical teacher training will focus on instructional situations and practices. You will reflect on your role as an instructor by identifying instructional characteristics, goals and processes that affect your work. In addition, you will compare your observations against theoretical and research knowledge and explore your observations in different contexts. Teacher training will allow you to apply and test your new ideas and insights in the context of your own work and area of expertise.

Study methods
Learning material
Required performances



Method of attainment
Participation in teaching
Language of instruction
English, Finnish
Responsible organisation
TAY: Faculty of Education
Persons responsible
Responsible teacher:
Milla Kinnunen
Mari Murtonen
Sonja Niiranen
Primary course unit