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Teaching schedule, curriculum year 2019–2020

Academic Presentations: Academic Presentations, Academic Presentations, 2 ECTS

Lectures (English)
14.11.2019 – 28.11.2019
Active in period 2 (21.10.2019–31.12.2019)


1. To begin, proceed, digress, summarize and end a presentation, and to respond to questions in an effective manner

2. To convert written into spoken English: stylistic differences

3. To practice correct pronunciation and intonation

4. To deliver a talk in a relaxed manner using effective visual aids, but without reading

5. To analyze one's own presentation and (in groups) others' presentations in a supportive, affirmative manner, including attention to body language and visual aids.


Day 1 (common to both groups)

9:15-10:30 Structure of English presentations; Introduction and Conclusions-tips

10:30-10:45 Break

10:45-11:30 Language performance issues

11:30-12:10 Lunch

12:10-14:00 Preparing and Using Visuals: Tips and Concerns

14:00-14:20 Coffee

14:20-16:00 Training for the Question-and-Answer period at conferences

Day 2

- group 1

- group 2

9:15-10:30 Individual Presentations + Judges feedback and evaluation

10:30-10:45 Break

10:45-11:30 Individual Presentations + Judges feedback and evaluation

11:30-12:10 Lunch

12:10-14:00 Individual Presentations + Judges feedback and evaluation

14:00-14:20 Coffee

14:20-16:00 Individual Presentations + Judges feedback and evaluation

Assessment criteria is active participation in contact teaching and approved completion of given course work.

Enrolment period for autumn 2019 courses arranged in English language starts on 1 August 2019 in NettiOpsu system. Enrolment time ends on 31 August 2019. Hervanta campus doctoral researchers apply the right to study TAYJ modules from 1 August 2019 onwards through the service for cross-institutional studies at . The doctoral school study units can be found with code TAYJ. Enrollment is done in NettiOpsu system also in this case.

Required performances

Academic Presentations

Both groups

Th 14.11.2019
Past event
6 hours 30 minutes
Kathleen Moore

Group 1

Th 21.11.2019
Past event
6 hours 30 minutes
Kathleen Moore

Group 2

Th 28.11.2019
Past event
6 hours 30 minutes
Kathleen Moore
Method of attainment
Participation in teaching
Language of instruction
Responsible organisation
Doctoral School (Research and Innovation Services)
Persons responsible
Responsible teacher:
Kathleen Moore
Responsible teacher:
Paula Nissilä
Primary course unit