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Course unit, curriculum year 2021–2022

Regulatory Requirements for Design and Manufacture of Medical Devices, 5 cr

Tampere University
Teaching periods
Active in period 4 (7.3.2022–15.5.2022)
Course code
Language of instruction
Academic years
2021–2022, 2022–2023, 2023–2024
Level of study
Advanced studies
Grading scale
General scale, 0-5
Persons responsible
Responsible teacher:
Minna Veiranto
Responsible organisation
Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology 100 %
Coordinating organisation
MET Studies 100 %
Common learning outcomes
International outlook and global responsibility
Core content
  • Regulatory framework for medical devices in the European Union
  • General safety and performance requirements for medical devices
  • Quality management system for medical devices
  • Conformity assessment
  • Post-market surveillance
Complementary knowledge
  • Understanding the basic definitions and key concepts of the Regulations on medical devices and the requirements for economic operators
  • Understanding the use of harmonised standards and the requirements for a risk management system and clinical evaluation
  • Understanding of technical documentation and the requirements for a quality management system (with a reference to the standard EN ISO 13485:2016)
  • Understanding the relation of the classification rules to the conformity assessment procedures and the role of conformity assessment bodies
  • Understanding the requirements for registration, traceability and vigilance system, and the role of Competent Authorities in market surveillance
Learning outcomes
Further information
Studies that include this course
Completion option 1
Active participation in the lectures, accepted project work and final exam.
Completion of all options is required.

Participation in teaching

10.03.2022 06.05.2022
Active in period 4 (7.3.2022–15.5.2022)


02.05.2022 15.05.2022
Active in period 4 (7.3.2022–15.5.2022)