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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2017–2019
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Master's Degree Programme in Human-Technology Interaction

Learning outcomes

Students having completed the Master's Degree Programme in Human-Technology Interaction will both
- know the theoretical foundations of human-technology interaction, and
- have the necessary skills to apply this knowledge to practical work on the area.

Depending on the courses taken, students can combine skills on interaction and interface design, software development, usability and user experience evaluation, and research methods. After completing the studies students master user interface design and software development methods well enough to work as a HTI specialist in product development and research settings.


Master of Science Degree (120 ECTS):

- Advanced level course units 40 ECTS cr
- Master's thesis 40 ECTS cr
- Other studies 40 ECTS cr
(incl. general studies, complementing studies and Optional studies)

This programme includes an orientation in Game Design and Research.


Bachelor's degree in a suitable field or equivalent studies.

Recommended complementing courses depending on background and planned HTI-courses:

- TIEVA36 Principles of Usability, User Experience, and User Interfaces
- HTIS81 Usability Evaluation Methods
- TIEA4 Project Work or LUOYA200 Innovation Project
- TIEP1 High Level Programming

- TIEVA31 Principles of Programming Graphical User Interfaces
- TIETA6 Data Structures
- TIETA11 Programming Technique C++
- TIETA9 Introduction to WWW Techniques

Further information

Finnish speaking students can use Finnish in some exams and write the Master's Thesis in Finnish.

If studies have been started before 2015 students can transfer to this new programme but they need to update the detailed study plan.

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Master's Degree Programme in Human-Technology Interaction

General Studies in Master's Degree Programmes given in English 2017-2018 1–22 ECTS
One element from below
General studies in the Master's degree programmes given in English are different depending on the student's educational background. Please choose below only one of the three options A, B or C
B) General studies for students with education in Finnish and BSc degree taken outside UTA 9–18 ECTS
Compulsory studies 9–13 ECTS
9–13 ECTS
Swedish course is required only if no Swedish studies were taken in the Bachelor's degree.
C) General studies for students who have taken their BSc degree at UTA 1–11 ECTS
Free-choice studies 0–10 ECTS
Scientific Writing is recommended if the Master's thesis is written in English.
KKENMP3 Scientific Writing, 5 ECTS
Faculty of Communication Sciences