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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2015–2017
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Ihmisen ja teknologian vuorovaikutuksen maisteriopinnot, FM (engl)


Katso tiedot englanninkielisestä kuvauksesta.

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Ihmisen ja teknologian vuorovaikutuksen maisteriopinnot, FM (engl)

General Studies in Master's Degree Programmes given in English 2015-2018 1–22 ECTS
Suoritettava yksi allaolevista
General studies in the Master's degree programmes given in English are different depending on the student's educational background. Please choose below only one of the three options A, B or C.
A) General studies for international students 12–22 op
Free-choice studies 0–10 ECTS
Suoritettava 0–10 opintopistettä
YKYYKV1 Finnish Society and Culture, 3–5 ECTS
B) General studies for students with education in Finnish and BSc degree taken outside SIS 9–18 op
Compulsory studies 9–13 op
Suoritettava 9–13 opintopistettä
Swedish course is required only if no Swedish studies were taken in the Bachelor's degree.
Free-choice studies 0–5 op
Suoritettava 0–5 opintopistettä
C) General studies for students who have taken their BSc degree at SIS 1–11 op
Compulsory studies 1 op
Suoritettava 1 opintopistettä
Basics of Information Literacy 1 ECTS is not required, only Personal study planning 1 ECTS from SISYY005.
Free-choice studies 0–10 ECTS
Suoritettava 0–10 opintopistettä
Scientific Writing is recommended if the Master's thesis is written in English.
KKENMP3 Scientific Writing, 5 ECTS
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