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Archived teaching schedules 2018–2019
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
Bachelor's Programme in Psychology

Basic studies in psychology

Basic studies in psychology (25 ECTS) can be taken by studying independently for a book exam. The exam must be agreed with the responsible teacher:

PSYINT1 Life-span developmental psychology I (5 ECTS): postdoc researcher Mervi Vänskä

PSYINT2 Cognitive neuroscience I (5 ECTS): professor Jari Hietanen

PSYINT3 Psychology of personality I (5 ECTS): university lecturer Anne Mäkikangas

PSYINT4 Psychological research methods (5 ECTS): professor Kalevi Korpela

PSYINT5 Psychology of health and mental health I (5 ECTS): professor Raija-Leena Punamäki

The course descriptions and study materials for the electronic exams (Tenttis):