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Archived teaching schedules 2017–2018
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
KASSO8 Leadership in Educational Organizations 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Degree Programme in Educational Studies
Faculty of Education

Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes

The student
-masters the essential concepts and theories of leadership
-understands the specificity of educational leadership
-understands leadership in educational organisations, management and development as professional action/activities.

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Helena Rajakaltio, Teacher responsible
Annalisa Sannino, Teacher responsible


12-Feb-2018 – 18-Apr-2018
Lectures 8 hours
Mon 12-Feb-2018 at 10-12, Linna K103, Helena Rajakaltio
Mon 19-Feb-2018 at 10-12, Virta 109, Helena Rajakaltio
Mon 12-Mar-2018 at 10-12, Virta 109, Annalisa Sannino
Mon 19-Mar-2018 at 10-12, Virta 109, Annalisa Sannino
Group work 10 hours
Helena Rajakaltio
Wed 21-Mar-2018 at 9-12, Linna K109
Wed 4-Apr-2018 at 9-11, Linna K109
Wed 11-Apr-2018 at 9-11, Linna K109
Wed 18-Apr-2018 at 9-12, Päätalo D14
Annalisa Sannino
Wed 21-Mar-2018 at 9-12, Linna K110
Wed 4-Apr-2018 at 9-11, Linna K110
Wed 18-Apr-2018 at 9-12, Päätalo A05
Wed 25-Apr-2018 at 9-11, Päätalo D14
Independent work 117 hours

Study materials

Davis, B. (toim.). 2009 (2. painos). The Essentials of School Leadership.
Henderson, J. & al. 2014. Reconceptualizing Curriculum Development:
Inspiring and Informing Action (Studies in Curriculum Theory series).
Hilty, E. B. (ed.). 2011. Teacher leadership. The "new" foundations of teacher education. Lang, cop.
Hujala,  E., Waniganayake, M. & Rodd, J. (toim.). 2013. Researching Leadership in Early
Childhood Education. Tampere: Tampere University Press. Verkossa osoitteessa: http://ilrfec.org/publication/researching-leadership-in-early-childhood-education/
Mäki, K. & Palonen, T. 2012. Johtamisen tilat ja paikat.
Woods, P. 2005. Democratic leadership in education.

Opintojakson opettajan kokoama ajankohtainen artikkelipaketti.

Further information

Vaadittavat opintosuoritukset: osallistuminen opetukseen (luennot ja lukupiirityöskentely), teoreettinen essee.

Vaihtoehtoinen suoritustapa: kirjatentti
Sähköinen tentti aikavälillä 18.9.2017-17.8.2018.

Option 2: Written exam.
Electronic exam is available 25.10.2017 - 17.8.2018.

Kirjatentissä tentitään 3 kirjaa seuraavista: / Choose three (3) of the following books:
Davis, B. (ed.). 2005 or 2009. The Essentials of School Leadership.
Henderson, J. G. (ed.). 2015. Reconceptualizing curriculum development. Inspiring and informing action. New York & London: Routledge
Hilty, E. B. (ed.). 2011. Teacher leadership. The "new" foundations of teacher education. Lang, cop.
Hujala,  E., Waniganayake, M. & Rodd, J. (ed.). 2013. Researching Leadership in Early Childhood Education. Tampere: Tampere University Press.
Mäki, K. & Palonen, T. (toim.). 2012. Johtamisen tilat ja paikat. Aikuiskasvatuksen 50. vuosikirja. Vantaa: Hansaprint (available only in Finnish)
Woods, P. 2005. Democratic leadership in education