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Archived teaching schedules 2015–2016
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KASMULTI4 Optional Course: EcoJustice Education: Toward Diverse, Democratic, and Sustainable Communities 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Degree Programme in Educational Studies
School of Education

Learning outcomes

Students will 1) explore basic theories and principles that contribute to EcoJustice Education; 2) examine the ways cultural, linguistic and biological diversities intersect to contribute to democratic and ecologically sustainable communities; 3) examine the deep cultural roots of intersecting social and ecological problem; 4) identify those values, practices, traditions, beliefs and relationships in their own communities that contribute to healthy and sustainable communities. Accordingly, they will connect these to other diverse “commons-based” practices in other parts of the world; and 5) address educators’ responsibilities in creating curricular and pedagogical responses to these problems in schools and across a variety of contexts.

General description

Content: This course focuses on what we might mean by diverse, democratic and ecologically sustainable communities in the context of a globalizing world.  Students will examine the deeply embedded cultural roots of modern industrial societies currently causing great social and ecological harms.  And they will analyze those social, cultural and economic values and practices in their own communities that could be revitalized and revalued to help strengthen solutions to these problems.  We will explore together “pedagogies of responsibility” as we examine what educators’ role ought to be in this process

Modes of study: Lectures, discussions, reading, short essays, final presentations

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Rebecca Martusewicz, Teacher responsible
Jani Pulkki, Teacher


28-Sep-2015 – 23-Nov-2015
Mon 28-Sep-2015 at 12.15-15.15, Virta 114
Mon 12-Oct-2015 at 12.15-15.15, Virta 114
Mon 26-Oct-2015 at 12.15-15.15, Virta 113
Mon 9-Nov-2015 at 12.15-15.15, Virta 256
Mon 30-Nov-2015 at 12.15-15.15, Virta 327

Study materials

Selected chapters from Martusewicz, et al, (2015). EcoJustice Education: Toward Diverse, Democratic and Sustainable Communities (Routledge), and other selected articles and films.

Further information

Enrolment for the course ends September 24th.

The course is designed also for doctoral students. For detailed instructions about the course assignment, please contact Prof. Martusewicz.