General objective is to gain knowledge at a molecular level from the genes to the active proteins or RNA molecules, in other words from genetic information to biological functions in prokaryotic cells and in some viruses with special emphasis in eukaryotic cells and species.
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the student can: -Describe the mechanism and machinery involved in the expression of eukaryotic genes -Analyze the differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic/viral gene expression regulation -Apply advanced molecular biology knowledge in specific questions
Topics to be covered include the basal transcription machinery, transcriptional regulation, chromatin and epigenetics, polyadenylation, RNA splicing, nucleocytoplasmic transport, translational regulation, RNA interference and RNA turnover, -omics and organellar gene expression. The course will be concept-based rather than methods-based, and it will link mechanistic knowledge to concepts from development, physiology and evolution.