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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2017–2019
Selaamasi opetussuunnitelma ei ole enää voimassa. Tarkista tiedot voimassa olevasta opetussuunnitelmasta.
MOLI A Biomedical View of Patenting 1 op


At the completion of this course a Doctoral candidate:
- is able to demostrate and develop awareness of the relevance and impact of IP Law on his/her academic and professional lives
- is aware of different ways to protect his/her inventions
- has developed awareness of how patent information can be found and used
- has some idea about the most important patenting routes and systems
- has gained some knowledge about drafting patent applications
- has understanding regarding the interpretation of patent claims and the crucial role of patent claims in forming the scope of protection conferred by a patent


This course introduces students to Intellectual Property (IP) Law in general and especially a biomedical point of view in patent matters. The course is targeted for students/scientists with little or no prior knowledge of IPR, and especially for those aiming at transferring from academic research to company R&D, or for those planning a career in the field of IPR (such as patent examiner, corporate patent agent or patent attorney).The emphasis of the course is patenting of biomedical, pharmaceutical and health care applications.

Vaadittavat opintosuoritukset

Suoritusvaihtoehto 1
  • Tutkinto-ohjelman omat opiskelijat
  • Muut opiskelijat
  • Avoimen yliopisto-opetuksen opiskelijat
  • Tohtoriopiskelijat
  • Vaihto-opiskelijat
Osallistuminen opetukseen 

The course will be taught online. The course is self-directed and allows for great flexibility with when and where it is done. However, assessments have strict deadlines.



Kokonaisuudet johon opintojakso kuuluu

Lääketieteen ja biotieteiden tiedekunta
Lääketieteen ja biotieteiden tiedekunta
Lääketieteen ja biotieteiden tiedekunta
Opintojakso opetusohjelmassa
Opetusohjelma ei ole enää voimassa. Tarkista tiedot voimassa olevasta opetusohjelmasta.
Lääketieteen ja biotieteiden tiedekunta