The module aims at giving the students basic information on stdying in universities in general and in the University of Tampere in particular, and introduce them to planning their studies.
During their first year of study, students write a personal study plan, which confirms the structure of the degree and combination of subjects the student will study. The student will be given guidance in writing the personal study plan by the major subject department and the ISSS.
The module consists of the orientation course introducing the students to the University of Tampere in general, and specific orientation meeting of the student's study programme.
Modes of study
Available for:
Degree Programme Students
Other Students
Open University Students
Doctoral Students
Exchange Students
Participation in course work
Osallistuminen yksikön ja tutkinto-ohjelman orientoiviin opintoihin sekä henkilökohtaisen opintosuunnitelman HOPSin laatiminen.