Strategic themes:
Sustainable development
Learning outcomes
After completing the course unit the student has a deep understanding on a chosen old and new classic of the history of political thought. The student also knows the position and the contribution of the chosen old and new classic in the history of political thought.
Arendt, Vita activa. Vastapaino 2001. Gramsci, Vankilavihkot. Vastapaino 2012. Olson, The Logic of Collective Action. Harvard University Press 1965 (or later edition). Rawls, Oikeudenmukaisuusteoria. WSOY 1988. Weber, Politiikka kutsumuksena ja ammattina. Teoksessa Weber: Tiede ja politiikka – kutsumus ja ammatti. Vastapaino 2009.
Please contact the teacher in charge for respective titles in English.