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Archived Curricula Guide 2011–2012
Curricula Guide is archieved. Please refer to current Curricula Guides
VTEKS111 Human Information-Processing and Interactive Technology 6 ECTS

Learning outcomes

The course aims to give students a basis for designing user interfaces that take inherent human capabilities into account and to enable students to take these topics into account when evaluating interfaces. As a result, students will also be prepared to compare human and machine perception and processing as related to new interface techniques.


The course focuses on the basics of human cognitive functioning. Topics include visual and auditory information processing, memory processes, and basic mechanisms related to thinking and problem solving. The emphasis will be on the applicability of the covered topics to interactive technology.

Teaching methods

Teaching method Contact Online
Lectures 20 h 0 h

Teaching language


Foreign students may complete the course by self-study and passing the exercises and the written exam. Lecture notes will be provided in English.

Modes of study

Exercises and exam that covers the lecture notes (in English) and the literature.


Numeric 1-5.

Study materials

Lecture notes and scientific articles that will be announced later on the WWW-pages of the course.

Further information

This course can be used only for studies in Interactive Technology.

Belongs to following study modules

School of Information Sciences
School of Information Sciences
Archived Teaching Schedule. Please refer to current Teaching Shedule.
School of Information Sciences