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Archived Curricula Guide 2015–2017
Curricula Guide is archieved. Please refer to current Curricula Guides
HALJUA42 Human Rights Law 5 ECTS
Organised by
Degree Programme in Administrative Studies
Public Law
Preceding studies


Strategic themes: Internationalisation

Learning outcomes

The student has the basic knowledge of the international protection of human rights, legal nature of human rights and the content of human rights. The student has an overview of the status of human rights in international law and the national legal systems. They understand the roles of human rights and humanitarian law in legal systems


-International Human Rights system
-European Convention on Human Rights and its supervisory system
-UN human rights system: Charter based and Treaty based
-Humanitarian law and human rights

Teaching methods

Teaching method Contact Online
Lectures 15 h 0 h
Independent work

Teaching language


Modes of study

Option 1
Available for:
  • Degree Programme Students
  • Other Students
  • Open University Students
  • Doctoral Students
  • Exchange Students
Participation in course work 
In Finnish
Further information 

luennot, tentti ja essee


Numeric 1-5.

Belongs to following study modules

School of Management
School of Management
School of Management
Human Rights, Politics and Law (Common Core Studies / JKK)
School of Social Sciences and Humanities
School of Management
School of Management
School of Management
School of Management
School of Management
School of Management
School of Management
School of Management
Human Rights, Politics and Law (Common Core Studies / JKK)
Faculty of Social Sciences
Archived Teaching Schedule. Please refer to current Teaching Shedule.
For Open University students only
School of Management