Strategic themes:
Sustainable development,
Responsible conduct of research
General description
The experimental animal course is organized together with the University of Jyväskylä and will be held as a two-week intensive course at the Konnevesi research station. Together with an applicable academic degree the course provides competence to perform, plan and run animal experiments as indicated in Finnish code of statutes (36/EEO/06 Asetus koe-eläintoiminnasta and 1360/90 (Eurooppalainen yleissopimus) and European union.
Learning outcomes
The student is able to plan and execute animal experiments according to the current laws and regulation. The student is able to interpret and report data from animal experiments.
Planning of animal experiments, handling and care of experimental animals, most common laboratory animals and their characteristics, ethics and laws related to the use of experimental animals, benefit- harm assessment, statistics of animal studies, interpretation of data from animal studies, and delivering a scientific report.
Teaching methods
This is a two-week intensive course that is held at the Konnevesi research station. Attendance in all teaching is mandatory.