The student develops competence in identifying perspectives sustaining policy argumentation and knowledge production in complex conflicts generating world political confrontations. S/he learns about different modes of interpretation and gains in-depth knowledge of a specific conflict formation or cluster.
Lectures (8 h) examine a protracted regional conflict (the geographic focus varies annually) and related research literature. Analytical and interpretive approaches are introduced to study the policies and discourses of actors and agents participating in the mitigation and management, settlement and resolution of the conflicts. The main focus in the class discussions is the policy interfaces and ‘windows of opportunity’ for conflict de-escalation which can be opened up in the mutual interplay of the actions and approaches of the conflict parties. Workshop exercises (12 h). The course topic in 2016 is “Between Russia and the EU: Borders and conflict in Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus”.
Modes of study
Available for:
Degree Programme Students
Other Students
Open University Students
Doctoral Students
Exchange Students
Participation in course work
Practicum papers (workshops, 16 h) rehearse interpretation to identity approaches and discourses. Literature studies (2 ECTS, included in the total of 5 ECTS) support paper-writing and are agreed individually with each student.
Numeric 1-5.
Study materials
Agreed individually with the students.
Further information
Some room in the course for exchange students and other students, please contact the teacher before the course.