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Archived Curricula Guide 2015–2017
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European Integration, 20–40 ECTS

Learning outcomes

After having completed the module, the student has a rich basic knowledge of European integration, decision-making in the EU, the institutions, external relations and economy of the EU as well as of European law. The student understands the theories of European integration, is able to perceive the interaction between national and EU levels in European politics, and has a good grasp on the relations between politics, law and economy on the European level. The student obtains the basic abilities to analyse the EU’s role in a certain geographical context and understands the specific dimensions of external relations related to security, economy or values. The student is familiar with the role in European integration of the Council of Europe and its human rights system. In addition, the student masters theories of EU politics, economy and law, and is able to apply them to the study of the development of the EU and the evaluation of its action.


EU structures, political institutions, decision-making systems, EU external relations, specific features and central contents of European law, EU economic, financial and monetary systems.


Numeric 1-5.

Further information

The student can also include one course unit on European studies not listed here upon agreement with the professor in charge.

Teacher in charge: Jean Monnet Professor Hanna Ojanen.

Belongs to following modules

School of Management
Thematic modules (Common Core Studies / JKK)
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European Integration

In order to complete the module, students must take the minimum of four course units (20 ECTS).
HALJUA24 European Union Law, 5 ECTS
HALJUA42 Human Rights Law, 5 ECTS
HALEUA11 EU Financial Management, 5 ECTS
School of Management