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Archived Curricula Guide 2012–2015
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Degree Programme in Health Sciences

The Degree Programme in Health Sciences consists of the Bachelor’s Programme and Master’s Programmes in Nursing Science and Public Health. In the Master’s Programme in Nursing Science, the student can opt to specialise in either the management or teaching of nursing.

The studies in the Bachelor’s Programme consist of basic and intermediary studies and of joint and free choice studies. The instruction is based on student-centred methods, such as teamwork and seminars. The studies also lay emphasis on the students’ own activity and willingness to acquire information independently. The Bachelors’ studies entail the option to complete a study module on health education. This study module, together with pedagogical studies and Master’s degree studies, gives the competence to teach health education in schools.

After having completed the Bachelor’s Programme, the student can continue his/her studies in the Master’s Programmes in Nursing Science and Public Health which the School of Health Sciences (HES) also offers. He/she can also apply to study in other Master’s-level studies, such as the Master’s Degree Programme in Health Sciences offered by HES. After having completed the degree, the student has the competence to do expert, developmental and planning jobs in public and private organisations or associations.

The Master’s-level studies lead to the Master of Health Science degree. The Master’s-level studies consist of advanced studies in the core content and methodology of nursing science and public health, elective studies and the Master’s thesis. The studies include lectures, book exams and student-centred work methods. Students who have completed the Master’s degree find employment as experts, teachers, directors, planners, developers and researchers in Finland or abroad. The students who have chosen to study in the Specialisation in Teaching of Nursing also earn the pedagogical competence required of subject teachers.


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