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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2015–2017
Selaamasi opetussuunnitelma ei ole enää voimassa. Tarkista tiedot voimassa olevasta opetussuunnitelmasta.
Master's Degree Programme in Teacher Education

The programme aims to enhance the development of expertise in the field of teaching and learning, and is designed for formally qualified teachers interested in expanding and deepening their professional competencies. The programme does not lead to a teaching qualification. The programme focuses on various aspects of education including societal and global conditions for learning and education, curriculum studies, evaluation and quality of education, leadership, and current research. Students are provided with insight and competencies to implement the best elements of the renowned Finnish school system in various contexts. They will acquire an extensive understanding of relations between learning, teaching and curriculum, and competencies to develop individual and collegial expertise in school community.

The School of Education is a research and learning community with top-quality societal and cultural expertise, dedicated to exploring and analysing changes in education and society. Research at the School is focused on the changes and transformation processes taking place in society and in educational environments, both in national and international contexts, and on the active role of education in this change. The results from research, projects and development activities influence society and qualities of education on all educational levels.

The programme draws from its strong connection to up-to-date research and the Finnish school system, as well as the wide range of professional expertise and experience of the teachers and the organising unit. Those graduating from the programme will have the knowledge and competencies to develop innovative educational practices, curricula and schools as expert teachers, mentors or organisers of learning.

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