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Archived Curricula Guide 2012–2015
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Specialization Studies in Dance Research
In the form of Nordic collaboration the subject of music research at the University of Tampere arranges together with the department of music and dance of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, the department of music and theatre art of the University of Stockholm and the faculty of humanities at the University of Copenhagen two-year Master’s studies in dance research. Studies at the University of Tampere comprise specialization in dance research within the subject of music research. In addition to a Master’s thesis, compulsory studies include four intensive courses taught in English, of which dance anthropology is offered in Tampere, dance analysis in Trondheim, dance history in Copenhagen and dance theory in Stockholm. The universities also offer elective courses which students may take at their discretion. Elective courses may be offered in the respective local languages.
School of Social Sciences and Humanities