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Archived Curricula Guide 2015–2017
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Degree programme in Psychology
Studies in Psychology aim at providing all students with specific professional skills and with a general ability to work in positions requiring scientific psychological knowledge. The curriculum covers five main sectors: 1) educational, developmental and personality psychology, 2), psychology of health and mental health, 3) cognitive and neuropsychology, 4) psychology of work and organizations, and 5) research methods. In the Department of Psychology, the following degree programmes are offered: Bachelor of Psychology, Master of Psychology, Master of Philosophy, Licentiate in Psychology, and Doctor of Psychology. The language of instruction in these programmes is Finnish. However, it is also possible to study psychology independently in English, for example, as a minor subject in the Bachelor of Social Sciences programme. The department organizes part of the teaching together with other Finnish universities (Psykonet) at under- and postgraduate levels and arranges specialized professional education for psychologists, leading to the postgraduate degree, Licentiate of Psychology. The department's research work falls into three lines: I. Social cognition, emotion, and social ability focusing on perception of socially relevant information and the neural bases of social information processing. II. Work, environment, and well-being focusing on the questions related to individual well-being in both work environment and more broadly in physical and social environment. III. Mental health, clinical neuropsychology, and interventions focusing on preconditions for well-being, and healthy emotional development. In Finland it is compulsory to earn the Master's Degree in psychology before working as a psychologist. After earning the degree, the psychologist must apply for and receive the permit to work as a licensed psychologist from the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health, which is subordinate to the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs.
School of Social Sciences and Humanities