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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2015–2017
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Master's Degree Programme in Media Management

The programme emphasises the importance of management in media studies and media in management studies. Studies feature an integrated approach to research in keeping with traditions in the two disciplines. This approach builds theory through empirical research using diverse methods to develop understandings derived from media management in practice. Collaboration with managers in Finnish media industries is part of the programme.

Curriculum coursework is keyed to four aspects that together comprise the context which media managers must manage: media policy, media economy, media organisation and media content. Programme coursework emphasises the interdependence of these four aspects. The curriculum emphasises four dimensions characterising the daily work of media managers in practice: strategic thinking, decision-making, change management, and understanding management theory and practice in the context of media companies.

The programme is oriented to build and strengthen the competence of middle management in media firms, and specifically in the context of journalism, broadly construed.


The Master’s Degree Programme in Media Management will conform to the requirements for level 7 of European Qualification Framework. The knowledge acquired will be specialist in nature and will further develop UTA’s historic leadership in this field not only in Finland (since the 1970s), but more broadly in the international development of the field.

Students graduating with a degree in this programme will:

  • Conduct research projects at professional standards in the field
  • Develop analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Demonstrate a sound knowledge of respective and integrated attributes of media
  • Be able to participate and lead teams
  • Be competent to situate and explain media in complex and varying environmental conditions, i.e. in historical, social, cultural and economic terms
  • Manage essential practices and processes of media content production
  • Think critically to develop fresh insight and build knowledge
  • Respect the crucial importance of professional media ethics in the face of many and often significant pressures to engage in questionable practices
  • Establish competence to continue studies for a Ph.D.

Kansainvälisyys opinnoissa

Tampereen yliopisto on strategiassaan sitoutunut edistämään yhteiskunnan oikeudenmukaisuutta, tasa-arvoa, oman maan ja maailman kansalaisten hyvinvointia, kulttuurien vuorovaikutusta jakestävää kehitystä.

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