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Archived Curricula Guide 2015–2017
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Licentiate Degree in Medicine
The Licentiate Degree Programme in Medicine leads not only to an academic degree but also to a professional qualification. Most of the studies are compulsory for all medical students. The first 3.5 years of study include 22 consecutive study blocks (each carrying 4-12 credits) in which the theory and practice of various fields of medicine are integrated. The main method of learning is Problem Based Learning (PBL) which takes place in groups of 8-10 students. During the clinical phase of the degree programme (fourth, fifth and sixth years) students work on different hospital wards and public health centres under the supervision of medical teachers. The degree programme includes a 4-month practical training period. Studies for the degree of Licentiate in Medicine take six years and end with a Recap block. All students must be accepted through the entrance examination, which is held once a year (in May), the language being either Finnish or Swedish. All teaching is conducted in Finnish, so our students must speak and understand Finnish fluently. No occasional language course will confer such competence. We accept medical students on three-month exchanges, but only from those universities with which we have an ERASMUS or NordPlus agreement. Please contact the Centre for International Mobility (CIMO) for information on the international programmes offered at other Finnish universities: http://finland.cimo.fi/

Responsible Conduct of Research

More information can be found at the Study Guide.

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Sustainable Development

The degree programmes at Tampere University provide up-to-date, reliable information on global issues and tools for working to find solutions in these areas. The teaching and instruction provided at the University makes use of methods that encourage and motivate students to undertake ethically sustainable, interactive, multicultural and productive learning.

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