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Tampere University Student's Handbook

Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct comes into effect on 1 January 2019 and is in force while on the premises of the Tampere university community (Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences) and while off campus attending activities pertaining to the community’s education and research activities. This Code of Conduct applies to all members of our university community, including students, employees and, when applicable, to other persons visiting or working on the campuses. In addition to this Code of Conduct, laws and regulations must be duly observed while on our premises.

We are committed to adhering to the guidelines for the responsible conduct of research issued by the Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity.

1.       Safe campus

The members of our university community have the right to study and work in a safe and equal environment. Appropriate behaviour is therefore expected at all times while on our premises. Threatening, violent, disruptive and aggressive behaviour, physical and verbal abuse, discrimination and harassment are prohibited. The info desks are the first point of contact for anyone who experiences or witnesses inappropriate behaviour on our campuses.   

The procedures for responding to allegations of harassment and bullying are set forth in our equality and non-discrimination plans and labour protection guidelines. If allegations of misconduct are made against an employee, the first point of contact is the employee’s supervisor or a representative of his or her staff group.

2.       Public access

Our campuses are open and accessible to the public during office hours, provided that no disruptive behaviour is exhibited. Only students and employees who hold a valid key card are able to access certain restricted areas, such as computer classrooms and laboratories. A valid key card is required to access all the facilities outside office hours. Students and staff are advised not to allow anyone they do not know to enter the locked facilities when they are entering or exiting. Access rights may be granted to students, employees and other individuals with a similar status.

3.       Use of our facilities

Our facilities and resources are to be used primarily for educational, research and work-related purposes that are directly related to the university community. The use of the facilities and resources for commercial, political or religious purposes is not allowed without our prior consent. Any type of overnight accommodation on our premises is not allowed.

Students are expected to behave appropriately in and take good care of the facilities that are designated for student activities. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in students being denied access to these facilities.

4.       Property of the university community

All users are expected to treat the property of the university community with due care. They may be held liable for any damages they cause either wilfully or through negligence. All the members of our university community are responsible for helping to keep the premises clean and tidy.

Please report all defects and malfunctions in the devices and equipment available on our campuses as well as other potential safety hazards by contacting one of the info desks or through the defect reporting system.

5.       Intoxicants

Attending classes or working on our premises while intoxicated is prohibited. A person suspected of being intoxicated may be ejected from the premises.

The serving of alcoholic beverages at on-campus events requires a special permission. Acting in a disruptive manner while under the influence of alcohol is not allowed. Disruptively intoxicated persons may be ejected from the premises.

The use or being under the influence of illegal drugs while on our premises is prohibited. If there is reason to suspect that a student is under the influence of illegal drugs while performing activities included in their studies or during an internship, or if a student is known to be addicted to drugs, he or she may be required to present the results of a drug test. The criteria for drug testing are listed in our controlled substance response policy.

We have a commitment to respond early on to problems with which our students or employees are struggling. We have established procedures for bringing up difficult issues and helping individuals seek further support.

Our campuses are smoke-free. Smoking is only allowed in designated areas.

6.       Rules and regulations

All students and employees are expected to be familiar and comply with all applicable guidelines issued by our university community. The guidelines must be readily accessible to all the members of our community.

7.       Communications and information systems

We use electronic communication channels, such as email, intranet and other electronic platforms, to reach our staff and students. Our students are responsible for checking our communication channels regularly throughout their studies and our employees throughout their employment.  

All users are obligated to comply with the acceptable use policies of our information systems and the requirements concerning information security and data protection. The information systems of the university community may not be used for purposes that undermine, or attempt to undermine, the standards of common decency and decorum, the safety of individuals or broader society, or respect for the law. The information systems may not be used for commercial purposes or in connection with the activities of associations or societies without our prior consent.

All users are obligated to keep their user account secure, not to not give their username and password out to third parties, and comply with the guidelines governing the acceptable use of our network resources.

8.       Parking and emergency access routes

All campus car parks are clearly marked. Parking outside the designated areas is not allowed. All emergency access routes must be kept clear at all times.

9.       Emergencies

In the event of an alarm, everyone must follow the appropriate emergency evacuation procedures. In case of a fire alarm, everyone must immediately evacuate the building by way of the safest and closest exit and proceed directly to the designated assembly point. Everyone has a general duty to ensure that others vacate the premises and to help reduce damages, if possible.

10.   Violations and potential consequences for students and employees

The potential consequences for a student who violates the regulations of the university community are consistent with the provisions of the Universities Act (558/2009, Sections 45 and 45 a) and the Universities of Applied Sciences Act (932/2014, Section 38).

A student who exhibits disruptive, violent or threatening behaviour or endangers the health and safety of others may be removed from class and suspended for no more than three working days (Universities Act 558/2009, Section 45; Universities of Applied Sciences Act, Section 38).

The procedures for revoking a student’s right to study and handling other disciplinary procedures are consistent with the provisions set forth in the Universities Act (558/2009, Section 45 a) and the Universities of Applied Sciences Act (Section 39)

In accordance with Finnish employment legislation, possible disciplinary action that may be taken against an employee include a verbal warning, a written warning, dismissal and the immediate termination of employment. We have separate guidelines that define the possible consequences for an employee who violates the employer’s guidelines. 

For more information, please contact turvallisuus [at] (Safety Team).

Published: 4.2.2019
Updated: 29.7.2024