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Panu Lehtovuori

professori, yhdyskuntasuunnittelun teoria
Tampereen yliopisto

Oma esittely

Panu Lehtovuori is the Professor of Planning Theory at the Tampere University, School of Architecture. Before the current position, he was the Professor of Urban Studies at the Estonian Academy of Arts in Tallinn. Lehtovuori’s research interests focus on contemporary forms of public urban space, new urban design approaches, the resource-efficiency of built environment and the evolution of planning law. Lehtovuori belongs to the Tampere Urban Studies Network TURN and is co-leader of the Urban Planning Research Group. Besides his academic and educational work, Lehtovuori is active in Livady Architects, SPIN UNIT and Nordic Urbanism. Currently, he is permanent expert in the renewal process of the Land Use and Building Act.


Tampere School of Architecture - https://www.tuni.fi/en/research/urban-planning-research-group

Merkittävimmät julkaisut

Lehtovuori, Panu; Tartia, Jani & Cerrone, Damiano (2019). Drivers of global urbanization – exploring the emerging urban society. In: Leary-Owhin, M.E. and McCarthy, J.P. (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Henri Lefebvre, The City and Urban Society, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 327-335.

Lehtovuori, P. & Ruoppila, S. (2017). Temporary Uses Producing Difference in Contemporary Urbanism. In: Henneberry, J. (ed), Transience and Permanence in Urban Development, Wiley, pp. 47-64.

Gottdiener, Mark, Budd Leslie and Lehtovuori, Panu (2015). Key Concepts in Urban Studies, 2nd edition. Sage. 

Lehtovuori, Panu, Andres Kurg, Martina Schwab and Siri Ermert (2014). Public spaces, experience and conflict. The Cases of Helsinki and Tallinn. In: Tornaghi, Chiara & Knierbein, Sabine (eds.), Public Space and Relational Perspectives. New Challenges for Architecture and Planning. Routledge, pp. 125-143.

Lehtovuori, Panu & Koskela, Hille (2013). From momentary to historic: rhythms in the social production of urban space, the case of Calçada de Sant’Ana, Lisbon. Urban Rhythms: Mobilities, Space and Interaction in the Contemporary City. Sociology Review Monograph October 2013, Wiley, pp. 124-143.

Lehtovuori, Panu (2012). Towards Experiential Urbanism. Critical Sociology January 2012 vol 38:1, pp. 71-87.

Lehtovuori, Panu (2010). Experience and Conflict. The Production of Urban Space. Farnham: Ashgate.